Use Salesforce CMS Content to Configure a Component Attribute

Configure the component attribute by selecting the Salesforce CMS content and then configuring the attributes for that content.

When you select CMS content for a component attribute, the CMS content is copied into the page. If the original content in the CMS is updated, the changes don't automatically appear in the component. You must reconfigure the component attribute and select the content again to get the updated content.

The default locale for the Page Designer page is not necessarily the same as the default locale for the CMS content.

  1. Add the component that uses Salesforce CMS content to the page.
    In this example, the CMS Headline Banner component type uses CMS content to configure the Headline Content attribute.
  2. In the attribute editor window, click Select CMS Content.
    A list of the CMS content available to configure the attribute is displayed.
  3. Choose the CMS content you want to use and click Select.
    The CMS content is copied to the page. Any attributes for the CMS content that require configuration are presented in the editing pane. The CMS content for the Headline Banner in the example requires that you enter a Title, Body, and Banner Image.
  4. Configure at least the required attributes for the component click Save or Save & Close.
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