Class ServiceDefinition
Base class of Service Definitions.

A service definition represents configuration that is shared across all Service instances.

API Versioned:
No longer available as of version 19.10.
This class is only used with the deprecated ServiceRegistry. Use the LocalServiceRegistry instead, which allows configuration on the Service directly.
configuration  :  ServiceConfig  (Read Only)
The Service Configuration stored in the database.
mock  :  boolean
The status of whether mock mode is enabled for all instances of this definition.
serviceName  :  String  (Read Only)
The name of this service.
throwOnError  :  boolean
The status of whether the shared throwOnError flag is set.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly. To get an instance of this class, use one of the subclass constructors.
Method Summary
configure(config : Object) : ServiceDefinition
Register a callback to handle custom portions of the service.
getConfiguration() : ServiceConfig
Returns the Service Configuration stored in the database.
getServiceName() : String
Returns the name of this service.
isMock() : boolean
Returns the status of whether mock mode is enabled for all instances of this definition.
isThrowOnError() : boolean
Returns the status of whether the shared throwOnError flag is set.
setMock() : ServiceDefinition
Sets the mock mode for all Service instances that use this definition.
setThrowOnError() : ServiceDefinition
Sets the throwOnError flag to true for all Service instances that use this definition.
Method Detail
configure(config : Object) : ServiceDefinition
Register a callback to handle custom portions of the service.

This callback may declare multiple methods:

   initServiceClient: function() {
       // Create and return the internal service client object.
       // This is usually optional, except in the case of SOAP services.

   // svc is the call-specific Service instance. For example, it may be an HTTPService or FTPService.
   // params are the arguments passed to the call method (if any).
   createRequest: function(svc:Service, params) {
        // Perform any required call-time configuration.
        // Optionally return a Service-specific object

   // svc is the call-specific Service instance.
   // arg is the output of createRequest.
   execute: function(svc:Service, arg:Object) {
        // Execute the service call and return a result
        // This method is not used by default for HTTP-related services unless executeOverride is set.

   // Use the execute function if it is present. This is only required to use the functionality with HTTP services.
   executeOverride: true,

   // svc is the call-specific Service instance.
   // response is the output of execute.
   parseResponse: function(svc:Service, response: Object) {
        // Process the response object as needed.
        // The return value of this method will be the return value of the outer call method.

   // svc is the call-specific Service instance.
   // arg is the output of createRequest.
   mockCall: function(svc:Service, arg:Object) {
        // This method takes the place of the 'execute' phase when mocking is enabled.
        // Note initServiceClient, createRequest, and parseResponse still invoked.

   // svc is the call-specific Service instance.
   // params are the arguments passed to the call method (if any).
   mockFull: function(svc:Service, params) {
        // This method takes the place of the entire service call when mocking is enabled.
        // No other callbacks are invoked. The output of this method becomes the output of call.

config - Callback object.

getConfiguration() : ServiceConfig
Returns the Service Configuration stored in the database.
Service Configuration.

getServiceName() : String
Returns the name of this service.
Service name.

isMock() : boolean
Returns the status of whether mock mode is enabled for all instances of this definition.
true for mock mode, false otherwise.

isThrowOnError() : boolean
Returns the status of whether the shared throwOnError flag is set.
throwOnError flag.

setMock() : ServiceDefinition
Sets the mock mode for all Service instances that use this definition.
this Service Definition.

setThrowOnError() : ServiceDefinition
Sets the throwOnError flag to true for all Service instances that use this definition.
this Service Definition.