SDAPI HTTP Status Codes and Faults 2.0

To help you handle errors and special cases, the Script Debugger API returns HTTP status codes and faults.

HTTP Status Codes

The following table lists the HTTP status codes and their typical use cases:

HTTP status code Cases
200 (OK) GET or POST request successfully completed.
201 (Created) POST request successfully created a new resource.
204 (No Content) DELETE, HEAD, or OPTIONS (or less typically a POST) request successfully completed and returned no content.
400 (Bad Request) Request contains invalid information, such as malformed parameters, malformed header values, or a malformed body.
401 (Unauthorized) Request is not authorized to be processed.
403 (Forbidden) Request is declined by the server.
404 (Not Found) Requested resource does not exist.
405 (Method Not Allowed) Resource does not support supplied HTTP method.
412 (Precondition Failed) PATCH request provided an outdated last-known base point, which means the resource was changed on server, possibly by a concurrent request.
415 (Unsupported Media Type) Media type specified in "format" request parameter (or Accept header) is not supported.
500 (Internal Server Error) Request cannot be fulfilled because of an unexpected condition on the server.

Fault Document

For status codes greater than or equal to 400, the API returns a fault document:

  "message":"Could not find Script Thread for identifier '1'."

The fault document contains a type identifier and a readable message.

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