Update a Price in a Read-Only Price Book

When you must update a price in a read-only price book, you can change it in the PIM source and reimport the price book. However, if there’s an emergency, you can use a workaround within Business Manager to update the price directly in Commerce Cloud.

The workaround involves creating an editable price book with the new price and rebuilding the search indexes. Because editable price books always take precedence over read-only price books, the new price takes effect. We recommend you update the price in the XML source and delete all updated price books by the end of the day.

To use read-only price books, contact your Salesforce admin to enable the High Scale Price Books feature.

  1. Select Merchant Tools > site > Products and Catalogs > Price Books.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter an ID for the price book.
  4. Select a currency and click Apply.
  5. On the Site Assignments tab, select one or more sites to assign the price book to and click Apply.
  6. On the Price Definitions tab, search for the product that you want to update the price for.
  7. Enter a new price in the Price Table column and click Apply.
  8. Select Merchant Tools > Search > Search Indexes.
  9. Select Product Index and click Rebuild.
  10. After you've updated the price in your PIM and reimported using read-only price books, delete the price book created for the override.
    1. Select Merchant Tools > site > Products and Catalogs > Price Books.
    2. Select the override price book and click Delete.