OCAPI batch requests 23.2


An OCAPI batch request is a multipart HTTP request that can contain up to 50 subrequests. Each subrequest (part) must operate on a single resource; subrequests that specify multiple ids ― for example, '/products/(p1,p2...)' ― are forbidden.

Batch requests reduce network overhead by reducing the overall amount of information transmitted and by reducing the number of calls you have to make. For example, to build an application screen, you can construct a single large multipart batch request instead of constructing numerous smaller individual OCAPI requests.

The HTTP method used for the batch request as a whole must be POST or OPTIONS. Each subrequest can specify a different HTTP method if necessary.

Batch request format

Each batch request has a main header section. In this section, you must include a Content-Type header that specifies a type (multipart/mixed) and a boundary separator that is used to delimit each subrequest. For example:

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=23dh3f9f4

Every header included in the main header section of the batch request is implicitly inherited by each subrequest. The query parameters of the main batch request are also implicitly inherited by each subrequest.

Each subrequest, however, is conceptually a complete OCAPI request with its own resource path, header section, and request body. If needed, a subrequest can override its inherited headers and its inherited query parameters.

To specify the behavior of subrequests and to define the mapping between requests and responses, you must specify the following headers where appropriate:
Header name Location Description
x-dw-http-method request, subrequest Specifies the HTTP method used to access the resource.
x-dw-resource-path request, subrequest Specifies the base resource path. The value of this header is combined with value of the x-dw-resource-path-extension header to provide a complete resource path.
x-dw-resource-path-extension request, subrequest Specifies an extension for the value of the base path, as specified by the x-dw-resource-path header. This header is optional if the base resource path already represents a valid OCAPI resource.
x-dw-content-id subrequest, subresponse Specifies an ID of the subrequest. This header value is used to map a subrequest to a subresponse.
x-dw-status-code subresponse Specifies the status code of a single subresponse.

CORS Support

Batch requests are supporting CORS. Allowed expose headers and origins are mentioned in OCAPI settings for each client ID. To access them, it is mandatory to send a batch request for a specific client in a context, either of a specific site or global. There are several possibilities to pass a client identification:
  1. Client ID as query parameter
  2. Client ID as x-dw-client-id header
  3. OAuth access token via Authorization header
  4. JWT via Authorization header

Formatting of Multipart sub requests

Sub requests in a batch request body adhering to the standard defined in Multipart Media Type. This means that the header section in a Multipart sub request has to follow directly after the Multipart boundary. The header section and the Multipart body section have to be separated by two subsequent newline characters.

Example 1

Correct formatted sub request.

    POST /batch HTTP 1.1
    Host: example.com
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=23dh3f9f4
    Authorization: Bearer f9f34f43rfdf0isadjf93059j4
    x-dw-http-method: DELETE
    x-dw-resource-path: /s/-/dw/data/v23_2/libraries/SiteGenesis/content/
    x-dw-content-id: realCount\n

Example 2

Wrong formatted sub request. Only one newline after header section.

    POST /batch HTTP 1.1
    Host: example.com
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=23dh3f9f4
    Authorization: Bearer f9f34f43rfdf0isadjf93059j4
    x-dw-http-method: DELETE
    x-dw-resource-path: /s/-/dw/data/v23_2/libraries/SiteGenesis/content/
    x-dw-content-id: realCount\n

Example 3

Wrong formatted sub request. Two newlines after boundary will lead to an empty header section.

    POST /batch HTTP 1.1
    Host: example.com
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=23dh3f9f4
    Authorization: Bearer f9f34f43rfdf0isadjf93059j4
    x-dw-http-method: DELETE
    x-dw-resource-path: /s/-/dw/data/v23_2/libraries/SiteGenesis/content/
    x-dw-content-id: realCount\n

Example batch requests

Example 1

This example shows how you can access multiple resources of the same type:

    POST /batch HTTP 1.1
    Host: example.com
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=23dh3f9f4
    Authorization: Bearer f9f34f43rfdf0isadjf93059j4
    x-dw-http-method: DELETE
    x-dw-resource-path: /s/-/dw/data/v23_2/libraries/SiteGenesis/content/

    x-dw-content-id: req1
    x-dw-resource-path-extension: content_asset_1
    x-dw-content-id: req50
    x-dw-resource-path-extension: content_asset_50

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=23dh3f9f4

    x-dw-content-id: req1
    x-dw-status-code: 204
    x-dw-content-id: req50
    x-dw-status-code: 204

Example 2

This example shows how you can access resources of different types:

    POST /batch HTTP 1.1
    Host: example.com
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=23dh3f9f4
    x-dw-client-id: [your_own_client_id]
    x-dw-http-method: GET
    x-dw-resource-path: /s/SiteGenesis/dw/shop/v23_2/

    x-dw-content-id: req_addr_create
    x-dw-http-method: PUT
    x-dw-resource-path-extension: account/this/addresses

      "address1":"10 Somewhere St.",
    x-dw-content-id: req_prod_get
    x-dw-resource-path-extension: products/creative-zen-v

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=23dh3f9f4

    x-dw-content-id: req_addr_create
    x-dw-status-code: 200

      "_v" : "23.2",
      "address1":"10 Somewhere St.",
    x-dw-content-id: req_prod_get
    x-dw-status-code: 404

      "_v" : "23.2",
        "message":"No product with id 'creative-zen-v' for site 'SiteGenesis' found."

Request Site Context

The site context for each request can be defined in x-dw-resource-path or x-dw-resource-path-extension. If no site context is given in these headers, the one from the main request is taken. This implies, that the site context from the main request can be overwritten by the resource path headers.


The size of the batch request body is limited to 5 MB. The maximum number of subrequests is 50.


Exeption name Status code Description
IllegalContentTypeException 400 Thrown if the request content type is not multipart/mixed or specifies no boundary.
IllegalQueryStringException 400 Thrown if the query string for the request or a subrequest is invalid.
InvalidAuthorizationHeaderException 401 Thrown if the authorizarion header has not the format Authorization: Bearer ...
InvalidHttpMethodException 400 Thrown if the HTTP method in the request header or subrequest header is invalid.
InvalidRequestBodyException 400 Thrown if the request body is invalid.
InvalidTokenException 401 The token sent via Authorization: Bearer header is invalid or expired.
MethodNotAllowedException 405 Thrown if the batch request was sent with an HTTP method other than POST or OPTIONS.
MissingClientIdException 400 Thrown if no client identification was sent with the main request (either as client ID or authorization token).
MissingHttpMethodException 400 Thrown if at least one subrequest has no HTTP method.
MissingResourcePathException 400 Thrown if at least one subrequest has no resource path.
QuotaExceededException 400 Thrown if the batch request contains more than 50 subrequests.
RequestEntityTooLargeException 400 Thrown if the batch request body is larger than 5 MB.
ResourcePathNotAllowedException 400 Thrown if at least one subrequest is a multiple-ID resource call.
UnauthorizedOriginException 401 Thrown if the given origin is not mentioned in the OCAPI settings for the accessing client.
UnknownClientIdException 401 Thrown if the given client identification is not known to the account manager.
UnknownSiteIdException 400 Thrown if the request was sent in the context of an unknown site name.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.
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