SiteGenesis Choice of Bonus Product Discount Implementation
Review the files within the latest version of the SiteGenesis application to implement the choice of bonus product discount feature within your storefront application.
– check to see if a product that was added triggers a bonus product. -
– add bonus product to cart. -
– add a subproduct to the bonus product bundle. - N
– when adding a new product to the cart, check to see if it has triggered a new bonus discount line item
Product.xml - required start nodes:
– adds a bonus product. -
– Renders a list of bonus products for a bonus discount line item.
The app.js
file is
located in the SiteGenesis Storefront cartridge. This file handles how the
storefront processes user interface elements such as page and product
navigation, swatch hover, zoom, image display, page cache initialization,
the email subscription box, animation, sliders, carousel scrolling, tool
tip display, site currency code/symbols, buttons, and links.
This file also handles handles the core processing of the bonus product window for selection and adding to the cart of bonus items. Search on the term "bonus" in this file to view how bonus items are handled.
Salesforce B2C Commerce Script
– gets a bonus discount line item by UUID. Used in the following pipelines:-
– converts an HTTP parameter map to a JSON object. Used in theCart-AddBonusProduct
pipeline. -
– deletes all products associated with a bonus discount line item. Used in theCart-AddBonusProduct pipeline.
– when a customer selects bonus products, these products appear in the cart beneath the corresponding bonus discount line item.- For a free bonus product discount, the word BONUS appears.
- For the defined price choice of products discount, the
prices appear.Note: To implement a defined price choice of products discount, you must change all your application display logic that assumes bonus products are free.
– accesses the resource:billing.bonusproductalert.
– accesses the resource:product.selectbonusproduct.
– handles order bonus products, skips bonus discount line items for display cart line items, and shows bonus discount line items. Accesses the resources:cart/updatebonusproducts.
When a bonus discount applies in the basket, SiteGenesis will show a line item in the cart even before customer selects bonus products. When the customer has selected bonus products and closed the bonus selection page, the selected items appear at the bottom of the cart grouped together with the line item representing the discount itself.
An Update Bonus Products button appears allowing the customer to change their selection.
– shows the minicart, including bonus items. -
– implements the custom tagisminilineitems,
which shows the line items in the minicart. -
– visualizes the last step of the checkout, the order summary page prior to the actual order placing. It shows the complete content of the cart including product line items, bonus products, redeemed coupons and gift certificate line items. -
– renders the order details. If it's a bonus product, renders the word Bonus. - components/order/orderdetailsemail.isml – renders the quantity in the email. If it's a bonus product, renders the word Bonus.
– renders a bonus product. Used in theproduct/bonusproductgrid.isml
template.SiteGenesis provides a link to a bonus selection page where the customer can choose bonus products. On this page, the bonus products to choose from are in the main list view and the selected products are listed at the bottom of the page. The customer can select products in the list view by entering a quantity, and configuring the product (for variation products, option products, and bundles), and then clicking Select. The selected products at the bottom have remove links.
The page shows the number of bonus items allowed and the currently selected number. The page prevents the customer from selecting more than the maximum allowed.
The customer must click the Add to Cart button to add the products to the cart, after which the window closes and the cart page appears.
– is the main rendering template that shows all bonus products used in the bonus product dialog. While it might be necessary to use the jQuery UI, if you are going to use an alternative method, you will likely need to delete that styling. -
product/components/ subbonusproduct/subbonusproduct.isml
– renders any subproduct of a bundle or product set. Used in theproduct/components/bonusproduct.isml
template. -
– renders a bonus discount line item in JSON format. Not used in any template. -
– provides messaging that is similar to product bonus discount messaging. If a product is in the qualifying product list or the bonus product list of a given promotion, the promotion appears on the product details page. This means that the API methodPromotionPlan.Collection getProductPromotions(Product product)
returns a promotion if the product is on the qualifying list of the promotion, or if the promotion contains a choice of bonus products discount that grants the product as a bonus.A message appears telling the customer that a bonus promotion is currently active. The customer can click Select Bonus Product(s) or No Thanks.
– moves product constants, resource, and messages from product.isml to a common template, and adds new bonus product messages.
Resource Files
These resources are used to show bonus product messages:
billing.bonusproductalert=You are eligible for a bonus product.
Click the "Select" button to return to the cart to select your products or "No Thanks"
to continue placing the order.
cart.bonusmaxitems=This discount entitles you to {0} bonus item(s).
cart.bonusnumselected=You have selected {0} item(s).
cart.updatebonusproducts=Update Bonus Products
cart.updatebonusproduct=Update Bonus Product
cart.selectbonusproducts=Select Bonus Products
cart.selectbonusproduct=Select Bonus Product
product.bonusproducts=Bonus Product(s)
product.bonusproduct=Bonus Product
product.bonusproducttext=Select 1 or more, Bonus Products:
product.bonusproductsmax=The maximum number of bonus products have been selected. Remove one in order to add additional bonus products.
product.bonusproductalert=You are eligible for a bonus product(s).
global.bonusitem=Bonus Item
Resource.Msg Calls Within Templates
following table shows the resource.msg
keys that are
referenced in the following templates:
Template | Resource.msg key | Resource file |
none |
The following key is in the resource file, but not referenced by a template:
none |
The following keys are in the resource file, but not referenced by a template:
In style.css,
- Bonus Products section
/* bonus products */ /* ------------------------------------- */ .select-bonus-btn, .no-bonus-btn{float:left;margin:0 5px 0 0;} .buttonbar{margin:11px 0;overflow:hidden;width:336px;} .bonus-product-list .bonus-product-item{border-bottom:1px solid #E0E0E0;clear:both;} .bonus-product-list .product-name{float:none;margin:1em 0;} .bonus-product-list .product-add-to-cart button{float:left;margin-top:24px;} .bonus-product-list-footer{clear:both;} .bonus-product-list-footer button{float:right;}
- .cart-promo lines (there are two)