Price from Price Book Promotions

You can use a price from a price book as a condition or a discount for a promotion. In either case, you don't have to assign the price book to the site associated with the promotion.


When you use a price from a price book as a discount, all qualifying products use prices from the price book set in the promotion's discount.

For example, a promotion triggers when a shopper adds three or more of a product to their cart. Instead of using the product's original price from the storefront price book, which is $10, the product uses the price from a promotional price book, which is $8.

Price from price book discounts don't support tiered pricing.

For example, in a price book, the product's price drops from $10 to $9 after a shopper adds five to their cart. If this price book is used as a promotion, the product costs $10 regardless of how many the shopper adds.

Note: When defining a price book as the discount for a promotion, we recommend not setting the discounted product qualifier to be products found in the same price book. Setting both the discount and the discounted product qualifier creates a redundancy that can slow performance.


When you use a price from a price book as a condition, a discount triggers when a shopper adds a product with a price from a specific price book to their cart.

For example, if price book-A defines a product price as $50 and price book-B defines it as $75, a promotion with a qualifier that use price book-A triggers.

These are the operator settings:

  • Storefront Price In (recursive): Triggers a promotion if the product on the storefront uses the price in the selected price book or a child price book. Two or more price books can have the same price defined. When the prices vary, the lowest triggers the promotion. If multiple price books contain the same best price, the promotion triggers regardless of which price book is used.
  • Storefront Price In: Triggers a promotion if the product of the storefront uses the price in the selected price book only, no children or parents. Two or more price books can have the same price defined. When the prices vary, the lowest triggers the promotion. If multiple price books contain the same best price, the promotion triggers regardless of which price book is used.
  • Price in: Triggers a promotion if the selected price books contains any price for the product on the storefront. The promotion triggers regardless of the price, even if it's the lowest price shown in the storefront.
Note: The price books must be active.


These examples show the usages of the Storefront Price In (recursive), Storefront Price In, and Price In promotions. The examples consider use cases where these promotions are used with a standalone price book and when price books are structured hierarchically.

  • Standalone Price Book
  • Parent Price Book
    • Child Price Book
      • Child of Child Price Book
Price Book Price Storefront Price In (recursive) Storefront Price In Price In Reason
Standalone Price Book 75     X Matches Price In because the price is defined
Parent Price Book 100 X   X Matches Price In (same as preceding entry) and matches Storefront Price In (recursive) because a child price book matches
Child Price Book 75 X   X Same as preceding entry
Child of Child Price Book 50 X X X Same as preceding entry, and Storefront Price In matches because this is the lowest price

This example shows how Storefront Price In (recursive) differs from Storefront Price In.

The price book hierarchical structure matters for Storefront Price In (recursive). When a product is included in the child of a child price book, Salesforce B2C Commerce checks its parent and finds no price defined. Then it check the parent's parent, and finds a price defined. The parent price book, therefore, matches a Storefront Price In filter, even though the price in that price book isn't the price used in the storefront.

Important: If you use this setting, make sure that your price book hierarchy is configured appropriately.
Price Book Price Storefront Price In (recursive) Storefront Price In Price In Reason
Standalone Price Book 50 X X X Matches all three because a price is defined and it's the lowest price
Parent Price Book 100 X   X Matches Storefront Price In (recursive) because a child price book has the lowest price and matches Price In because a price is defined
Child Price Book N/A X     Matches Storefront Price In (recursive) because a child price book has the lowest price
Child of Child Price Book 50 X X X Matches all three because a price is defined and it is the lowest price
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