Activate a Commerce Cloud Account

Before you can activate an account, it must first be created for you by an account administrator. When the account is created, a message is sent to your email address. This email message serves as a starting point for activating your account.

To activate your Commerce Cloud Account:
  1. Click the activation link in the activation email message.

    This link redirects you to the Account Manager's Change Your Password page.

  2. In the Password field, specify a password.

    As you enter characters, the page gives you feedback about the security strength of your password.

  3. In the Confirm Password field, reenter your password.
  4. Click the Change Password button.

    A message appears indicating that your password was successfully changed.

  5. Click Continue.

    A second message is sent to your email address, indicating that your password has changed. The purpose of this message is either to confirm that your activation was successful or to warn you that someone else tried to change the password. If someone else tried to change password, contact your account administrator or help desk.

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