Defining Feeds

You must create feeds for the costPrice and returnRate attributes if you want to use all the system attributes calculated for ProductActiveData.

You can optionally feed in values for the availableDate attribute. If you don't feed in the availableDate, Salesforce B2C Commerce uses the creationDate attribute instead. The system created this attribute when you added a product. If you create additional custom active data attributes, you must feed those in as well.

You might want to create different feeds if the attributes you are importing need to be imported with a different frequency (daily versus weekly) or if they are being fed from different backend systems. You can create a maximum of three feed definitions.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Active Data > Feed Definitions.
  2. On the Feed Definitions page, in the Product Active Data section, click New.
  3. On the New Active Data Feed page, enter the details:
    Option Description
    ID You might want to include the name of the system or the frequency of the feed in the name.
    Fresh Period The number of days before the data is considered stale.
    Column Allocation Transfer the attributes you are importing to the In this feed list in the order they appear in the .csv feed file you want to import.
    Any custom attributes you have created for the ProductActiveData and CustomerActiveData system objects are automatically available as well in the column list.
  4. Click Apply.
    When a feed definition is created, it can be exported and imported into any other instance using Site Import/Export.
As a next step, you need to create the feed files that use this definition to import values for the attributes.
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