Add an API Client

Account administrators can use Account Manager to create API clients. The Open Commerce API must be accessed using an API client. The API client ID must be appended to the URLs used to interact with the Open Commerce API. An API client is also required to use the On-Demand Sandbox API.

A client ID used for Salesforce Commerce APIs (SCAPI) can’t be used for OCAPI calls, and vice versa. Every API framework (bot h SCAPI and OCAPI) requires its own client ID. An API Client ID that is meant for OCAPI must not have the role "Salesforce Commerce API" assigned to it.
To add an API client:
  1. Log into Account Manager.
  2. Click API Client.

    The API Clients page opens, showing a list of API clients. For each client, the page shows the API client ID, the display name, and the status.

  3. Click Add API Client.

    The Add API Client page opens.

  4. In the Display Name field, enter the display name of the client.
  5. In the Password field, enter the password.
  6. In the Confirm Password field, reenter the password.

    The Access Control section indicates the status of the API client.

  7. In the Organizations section, click Add.

    The Assign Organizations page opens.

  8. In the Assign Organizations page, do the following:
    1. Search for organizations.
    2. To add the API client to an organization, select the organization’s checkbox (each API client must belong to one or more organizations).
    3. Click Add.
  9. (Optional) To allow the API client to access the Salesforce Commerce API, in the Roles section, click Add, and do the following:
    1. Search for the Salesforce Commerce API role and select the role.
    2. To assign the role to the API client, click Add.
    3. Select the filter icon to specify the role scope (the scope is required by the Salesforce Commerce API).
    4. In the Add Instance Filters tab, select an organization.
    5. Enter the names of the instances to which you want the API client to have access.
    6. Select the instances.
    7. Click Add.
  10. (Optional) To use a JSON Web Token (JWT) to authenticate the API client instead of using a password, provide a Client JWT Bearer Public Key in the JWT field. The value you provide can be either a Base64-encoded X509 certificate containing the public key or the Base64-encoded public key itself. To use Access Token format, add a JWT.
  11. (Optional) To access Commerce Cloud B2C resources using OAuth2 with an API client, provide values in the OpenID Connect section.
  12. Click Save.
    Account Manager creates the API client.
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