Name | Description |
CreateCustomer | This pipelet creates a new Customer using the supplied Login (i.e. |
CreateCustomerAddress | This pipelet creates a new Address, of the type specified by AddressID, for the specified Customer. |
CreateCustomerPaymentInstrument | Creates a persistent CustomerPaymentInstrument for the specified Customer. |
FinalizeOAuthLogin | This pipelet works in tandem with the InitiateOAuthLogin pipelet. |
GenerateResetPasswordToken | Generate a random token that can be used for resetting the password of the passed Customer. |
GetCustomer | Returns the customer for the specified login name. |
GetCustomerAddress | Returns an existing Address, of the type specified by AddressID, which belongs to the supplied Customer. |
GetCustomerPaymentInstruments | Return the set of stored PaymentInstruments for the specified Customer. |
InitiateOAuthLogin | This pipelet works in tandem with other pipelets (FinalizeOAuthLoginXX). |
LoginAgentUser | Login an agent user, which is authorized to login on-behalf of a customer for instance to place an order. |
LoginCustomer | This pipelet authenticates the current session using the supplied Login and Password. |
LoginOnBehalfCustomer | This pipelet logs the specified customer into the current session if the current agent user has the functional permission 'Login_On_Behalf' in the current site. |
LogoutAgentUser | Performs a logout of the agent user and the current customer. |
LogoutCustomer | Logs out the customer currently logged into the storefront. |
RemoveCustomer | Logs out the supplied customer and deletes the customer record. |
RemoveCustomerAddress | Removes the supplied Address. |
RemoveCustomerPaymentInstrument | Permanently removes the specified PaymentInstrument from the customer's profile. |
ResetCustomerPassword | Generates a random Password and assigns it to the supplied Customer. |
ResetCustomerPasswordWithToken | Set the password of the specified customer to the specified value. |
SetCustomerPassword | Assign the specified Password to the specified Customer profile, validates old password if verifyOldPassword flag is true while assigning password and the pipelet exits with an ERROR if the old Password is not valid. |
ValidateResetPasswordToken | Validate that the passed token created by a previous call to GenerateResetPasswordToken is valid. |