Assign Products to a Category

You can assign products to categories from the product editor and from a category page.

Note: You can unassign a product from a category in the same way.
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Products.
  2. Select a product.
    Assigning a base product or variation group to a category assigns all variation products to that category. You can also assign just one variation product to a category without assigning the base product.
  3. Lock the product.
  4. Click the Categories tab.
  5. On the Product page Categories tab, the categories that are listed are already assigned.
  6. To assign or deselect categories, click Edit Categories and then select or deselect categories from the category tree.
  7. If there are no categories (or appropriate categories) listed, click Edit Categories to assign a category. (You can make multiple category assignments from one page this way.) Using this interface you can:
    • Search for a category
    • Expand and contract the category tree
    • Select one or more categories
    • Click Apply when you are finished.
  8. On the product details page, Categories tab, you can specify which category is used for the product attribute set, and which is used on the storefront.
    Table 1.
    Option Description
    Classification This category defines the attribute set of the product.
    Primary This category is the default category used to define the attributes that appear when the product is accessed from outside a category. For example, based on a direct search or a product number or ID.
  9. Click a radio button in the Primary column and click Apply.
  10. You can also assign products to a category in the Catalogs module (select site > Products and Catalogs > Catalogs > catalog ).
    If you are using the drag user interface, you can't assign classification versus primary categories. Instead, you make the selection in the Products module.
    1. In the Products section, click Assign. A list of all the products in the current catalog appears:
    2. On the Select products page, select products you want to assign to the category.
    3. Use the checkboxes to select specific products.
    4. Click Select.
    5. To select all products on a page and click Select, then click the Select All link.
      You click Select before navigating to a new page of products. If you want to select larger groups of products, change the number of products shown per page by clicking 100 or 1000.