Historical Reports: Conversion

The Business Manager Analytics reports are retired. As of January 1, 2021, the reports are no longer populated. To access current data with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, use the Reports & Dashboards.

Conversion reports include data on the conversion of visits, shopping carts, and checkouts to orders, and compares visits to shopping carts, checkouts, and orders. They also lists information about the conversion of search phrases.

The reports are available on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly schedules.

Checkout Funnel Report

The Checkout Funnel report shows you how users proceed through the checkout process and where they might abandon the process before placing a final order. Points to keep in mind when evaluating this data are:

  • This report doesn't take into account users browsing back to a previous page.
  • Users skipping checkout steps is leveled out by automatically increasing the counter for the skipped step.
  • The names of the checkout steps are taken from the reported information.
  • The report numbers the checkout steps in order of occurrence.

You can view data by:

Term Definition
Visits The total number of visits, excluding visits caused by robots or crawlers.
Cart Conversion The rate of visits with at least one cart to the total number of visits.
Checkout Conversion The number of visits with at least one checkout attempt in relation to the total number of visits.
Order Conversion The rate of visits with at least one order versus the total number of visits.

The summary view shows you the following by count and percentage:

  • Visits
  • Cart conversion
  • Checkout conversion
  • Order conversion

Checkout Funnel View

The checkout funnel view shows you the following by count and percentage:

  • Checkout Step 1 – CheckoutMethod
  • Checkout Step 2 – ShippingAddress
  • Checkout Step 3 – ShippingMethod
  • Checkout Step 4 – Billing
  • Checkout Step 5 – OrderSummary
  • Order Confirmation Page

The checkout funnel statistics are as follows:

  • Shipping (%)
  • Billing (%)
  • Payment (%)
  • OrderSummary (%)
  • Visits with Orders (%)

Visit Conversion Report

The Visits Conversion report provides you with an analysis of the conversion of visits to shopping carts, visits to checkouts, and visits to orders. The most important values are represented as the percentage of visits that:

  • Resulted in shopping carts
  • Lead to checkouts
  • Resulted in successful orders for the selected time period

From a business perspective, the visit to order conversion rate provides you with a good measure of the overall success of your store. A more detailed view helps you determine at which step in the order process you could improve the conversion rate.

Term Definition
Visit A session of activity for one user of a web site; determined by a session ID.
Cart Rate The percentage of visits that created at least one shopping cart.
Checkout Rate The percentage of visits that started at least one checkout process.
Order Conversion Rate The percentage of visits that created at least one order.
Visits with Carts The total number of visits that resulted in one or more carts.
Visits with Checkouts The total number of visits that resulted in one or more checkouts
Visits with Orders The total number of visits that resulted in one or more orders.

Data also appears for the following:

  • Total Number of Visits
  • Total Number of Carts
  • Total Number of Checkouts
  • Total Number of Orders

Summary by Date

The summary by date selection shows you the rates and totals for specific dates. For example, you might notice that the conversion rate for your store was better starting on the 16th, after implementing a change in the checkout process. The view provides a table that shows, for the specified time period:

  • Date
  • Cart Rate
  • Checkout Rate
  • Order Conversion Rate
  • Visits
  • Visits with Carts
  • Visits with Checkouts
  • Visits with Orders

Summary by Weekday

The summary by weekday section shows you the rates and the totals distributed across specific days of the week. For example, you might notice that the conversion rate for your store is better on Sundays than on Mondays.

Summary by hour of Day

The summary by hour of day shows you the rates and totals distributed across specific hours in the day. For example, you might notice that the conversion rate for your store is better between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (20:00 and 21:00) than 3:00 and 4:00 AM (3:00 and 4:00).

Order Conversions Report

The Order Conversion report provides you with an analysis of the conversion of visits, shopping carts, and checkouts to orders. The most important values are represented as the percent of:

  • Visits that result in successful orders
  • The percent of shopping carts that result in successful orders
  • The percent of checkout processes that have been started and result in successful orders for the selected time period

The base numbers from which the conversion rates are calculated are also provided in this report. From a business perspective, the visit to order conversion rate can help you determine the overall success of your store. A more detailed view helps you determine at which step in the order process you can improve the conversion rate. Each visit can have multiple carts, checkouts, and orders. This report provides details on:

Term Definition
Order Conversion Rate The percentage of visits that created at least one order.
Checkout Conversion Rate The percentage of visits with checkouts that created at least one order.
Cart Conversion Rate The percentage of visits with carts that created at least one order.
Cart Checkout Rate The percentage of carts that started at least one checkout.

This report also shows the base numbers from which the conversion rates are calculated.

  • Total Number of Visits
  • Total Number of Visits with Carts
  • Total Number of Visits with Checkouts
  • Total Number of Visits with Orders
  • Total Number of Carts
  • Total Number of Checkouts
  • Total Number of Orders

Summary by Date

The summary by date section shows you the rates distributed across specific dates. For example, you might notice that the conversion rate for your store was better starting on the 16th, after implementing a change in the checkout process.

Summary by Weekday

The summary by weekday shows you the rates distributed across specific days of the week. For example, you might notice that the conversion rate for your store is better on Sundays than on Mondays.

Hourly overview

The hourly overview shows you the rates distributed across specific hours in the day. For example, you might notice that the conversion rate for your store is better between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (20:00 and 21:00) than 3:00 and 4:00 AM (3:00 and 4:00).

Search Conversion Report

The Search Conversion report associates search phrases with orders. The visits are classified into these groups:

Group Definitions
All Visits Data from all visits without any filtering or sorting.
With Searches and Results All visits having at least one search operation that returned a result.
With searches and no results All visits having only search operations that did not return a result.
Without searches All visits without any search operations.

The system doesn't use the number of orders per visit when performing this classification. The system only reports the order numbers to determine if a classification leads to better or worse order behavior. This report also doesn't build a relationship between a search and its results and any ordered items.

This report can help you to tune your search or your product set to match search words, and increase the conversion rate. If the conversion rate of visits with searches and results is the highest, you can also try to convince people to use search more often by placing the search feature more prominently.

Conversion of search phrases with Results

This tables list the search words used in visits with at least one search with a search result. This doesn't necessarily mean that the search result actually contributed to the purchase decision. This report lists:

  • Search phrase as entered by the customer
  • Number of search operations
  • Merchandise total of all orders during visits having search operations with the search phrase
  • Average merchandise total per search (presents a calculated value of the used search phrase)
  • Average merchandise total per order (summarizes the average value of an order using this search phrase)
  • Items per order (the average item count for all orders with this search phrase in the visit click stream).
  • Order conversion rate

Conversion of search phrases without Results

This table presents similar information as the previous table, except that it lists all search phrases that did not return a search result.

Source Code Conversion Report

The Source Code Conversion report associates source codes with orders, and reports the source codes used within the specified time period (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly). This report shows up to 200 source code for a given time period.

The system classifies visits into these groups:

Group Definitions
All Visits Data from all visits with no filtering or sorting.
With Source Codes All visits with at least one source code.
Without Source Codes All visits with no source codes.
With Inactive Source Codes All visits with a source code that is known but not currently activate.
With Invalid Source Codes All visits with a source code that is unknown to the system at this point in time.

This report doesn't associate an individual source code with an order. It reports all orders for all source codes in a session. This means that the sum of order totals might be greater than the real order totals. For example, a visit has two source codes and one order. This report will track the order for each of the source codes as a source code conversion.

If a session has multiple source codes with different status, such as invalid or inactive, the system will report a visit for each of these statuses.

This report can help you tune your source code placements, identify both outdated and the most popular source codes. Items that are tracked by the previous criteria include:

  • Visits
  • Order conversion
  • Total orders
  • Average merchandise total per order
  • Average merchandise total per visit
  • Average items per order
  • Average visit duration (h:m:s)

Conversion of source Codes

This section shows you the conversion of source codes into orders. It lists all source code used within a designated time period.

Conversion of inactive source Codes

This section shows you the conversion of inactive source codes into orders. It lists all source code used within a designated time period.

Note: These source codes were inactive during the reported time period. This means that while the system recognized the source code, none of the activation rules applied.

Conversion of invalid source Codes

This section shows you the conversion of invalid source codes into orders. It lists all source code used within a designated time period.

Note: These source codes were invalid during the reported time period. This means, the system did not know or recognize the used source code.

Count Parameter

The count parameter is the number of session/visits that contain a particular source code. If a visit has two source codes, the count will be two. For example, visit S1 contained source code AAA, visit S2 contained source code BBB and visit S3 contained two source codes, AAA and CCC, because the customer did not end their session before clicking on another link.

Count statistics would look as follows:

AAA = Count 2
BBB = Count 1
CCC = Count 1
Note: The total orders number per source code is handled the same way because it can't be determined which source code was the reason for the order.

Promotion Conversion Report

The Promotion Conversion report details the usage of promotions with orders and carts within a designated time period. Use this report to determine the most popular promotions by usage and conversion, tune your promotions, and identify outdated promotions. The system classifies visits as follows:

Group Definitions
All Visits Important business data from all visits with no filtering or sorting.
With Any Promotions All visits having used at least one promotion of any type.
With Item Promotions All visits having used at least one item level promotion.
With Shipping Promotions All visits having used at least one shipping level promotion.
With Order Promotions All visits having used at least one order level promotion.
Without Promotions All visits without any promotions applied to a cart or order.

The system tracks following information for the previous classifications:

  • Visits
  • Order conversion
  • Total orders
  • Merchandise total
  • Average merchandise total per order
  • Average merchandise total per visit
  • Average items per order
  • Average visit duration (h:m:s)
Note: A visit with an item level promotion could also have used an order level promotion. Thus, you will find the values of these promotions and the visit in both columns. Also, a promotion doesn't have to be applied to a final order for it to appear in this report. The mere usage of a promotion during the customer visit is sufficient to list the visit as a promotional visit.

Merchandise total represents all the merchandise in an order. It excludes shipping costs and the value of purchased gift certificates. If you order two items, and only one has a promotion, both will be included in the merchandising total.

Conversion of promotions

This table shows you all campaigns and individual promotions and their respective order conversion. This table lets you track how each promotion drives order conversion and sales volume.

Note: This table doesn't reflect if a particular promotion was the driver or reason for the order.

This table also contains promotions that could have been applied or used during the visit but did not apply against the final order. This reflects the fact that, while a promotion can be the reason for a site visit, but it isn't necessarily the key driver for an order. This table tracks:

  • Campaign ID
  • Promotion ID
  • Visits
  • Total orders
  • Merchandise total
  • Average merchandise total per visit
  • Average merchandise total per order

Details of orders with item promotion (same info as Above)

This table lists all item level promotions used during the designated time period that were applied to orders. For each promotion, you can track how much promotional value was granted.

Details of orders with shipping Promotions

This table lists all shipping level promotions used during the time period that were applied to orders. For each promotion, you can track how much promotional value was granted.

Details of orders with order Promotions

This table lists all order level promotions used during the time period that were applied to orders. For each promotion, you can track how much promotional value was granted.

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