Search Object Schemas

The Search object uses several schemas including search2.xsd, preferences.xsd, and sort.xsd. The search.xsd schema was deprecated and replaced by the search2.xsd schema. The search.xsd schema remains for use with index stemmer or indexing mode.

This table describes the general purpose for each search schema.

Schema Purpose
search2.xsd Use to import and export stop words, search term completion suggestions, synonyms, hypernyms, redirects, and searchable attributes.
preferences.xsd Use to import and export search preferences.
sort.xsd Use to import and export sorting rules.
search.xsd This schema was deprecated and removed in 2011. The schema remains only to enable the import and export of index stemmer or indexing mode.

The search2.xsd file doesn't support deprecated text relevance attributes and sorting attributes. To better understand the differences between the search.xsd and search2.xsd schemas, review the following table.

Feature search.xsd search2.xsd
Text relevance attributes

The text-relevance-attributes element is deprecated and no longer supported.

It's ignored during import and export and replaced with searchable attributes.

Text relevance boosts are imported using the searchable-attributes element. Text relevance attributes are a deprecated feature.

The text-relevance-attributes element isn't included in the schema.

Searchable attributes Not included. The searchable-attributes element is supported.
Sorting attributes The sorting-attributes element is deprecated, but still supported. The sorting-attributes element isn't present in the schema.
Localization In the search.xsd file you must specify a locale for each object, such as a stop word. In the search2.xsd file you can specify a locale for a group of metadata objects, such as stopwords.
Settings The settings element is still supported. The settings element configures the index stemmer and indexing mode. The settings element isn't included in the schema.
Incremental indexing and scheduled rebuild settings

Not exported in the search.xml file from Site Import & Export.

Not exported from Search > Import & Export > Search Setting Export.

Exported from Site Import & Export and Search > Import & Export > Search Setting Export.

All other search features

Not exported in the search.xml file from Site Import & Export. The elements exported in search.xsd include only those elements not supported in search2.xsd.

Not exported from Search > Import & Export > Search Setting Export.

Exported from Site Import & Export and Search > Import & Export > Search Setting Export.