Configure Apple Pay on the Web in Business Manager

You must enable the Apple Pay on the Web feature in Business Manager. You can later delete the configuration. Configuration information is deleted only for the instance type currently selected in the dropdown and not others.

Ensure that host name aliases are configured properly, as detailed in Hostname Aliases.

Note: You don't need to manually register your merchant domain on Apple's developer account portal. Registration is handled by the B2C Commerce. You can start testing on your sandbox instance (no need to use staging or development instance) using iOS 10 and macOS Sierra. Also ensure you use the Register Apple Sandbox button on your Apple Pay Business Manager screen.
  1. Select Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Apple Pay.
  2. Select the environment that you want to configure (Production, Staging, Development).
  3. Check Apple Pay Enabled?.
  4. Enter your Apple Pay Merchant ID that you created or that you already use for Apple Pay.
  5. Enter your Apple Merchant Name, which appears on the payment sheet.
    This value is the brand name you would like to appear on the payment sheet.
  6. Enter the Country Code for the locale of your site.
    The country code is a two letter ISO 3166 country code.
  7. For Merchant Capabilities, check 3DS and leave other fields unchecked.
  8. Select the types of payment you support.
    The payment types are sent to Apple Pay on button click and accepted by the sheet as valid payment types. Shoppers can submit a payment only with a card in one of the accepted payment types. It's up to the PSP what types are supported.
  9. Select the Supported Networks.
    The networks are sent to Apple Pay on button click and accepted by the sheet as valid payment networks. Shoppers can submit a payment only with a card in one of the accepted payment networks (Discover, Visa, or other network). It is up to the PSP what networks are supported.
  10. Select the Required Shipping Address Fields that are required on the shipping forms.
  11. For the Required Billing Address Fields select Name and Postal Address.
  12. For Use Commerce Cloud Apple Pay Payment API? check Yes.
  13. Check whether to place the Apple Pay button on the cart and mini-cart pages.
  14. Select whether to enable automatic redirect of product detail pages to HTTPS.
    Because pages where the Apple Pay button appears must be served via HTTPS, it might be necessary to redirect certain pages on your site. Only pages that don't contain "sc.html" in the URL can be redirected using HTTPS redirection. Because of this, enabling HTTPS redirection might not result in the Apple Pay button appearing on all the pages you expect it should.
  15. Specify Payment Provider URL.
  16. Specify Payment Provider Merchant ID.
  17. The API Version is v1.
    This version is the version of the B2C Commerce Apple Pay PSP API that is specified by Salesforce and implemented by PSPs. In addition, there is the Apple Pay JS API provided by Apple in Safari. B2C Commerce supports only version 1, not the later versions that Apple has made available.
  18. If you are using Cybersource, leave Use Basic Authorization? unchecked. However, if you are using World Pay or Adyen, check Use Basic Authorization?.
  19. If you checked Use Basic Authorization, enter the username and password for the merchant issued by the payment provider.
  20. Enter the identifier for the merchant issued by the payment provider.
  21. If you are using Cybersource, for Use JWS? Check Yes. If you are using World Pay or Adyen don't check Yes.
  22. If you checked Yes for Use JWS?, for JWS Private Key Alias enter the merchant’s .p12 Key Alias. The private key alias is created when a merchant uploads their .p12 key file to Business Manager Module, Private Keys and Certificates. This private key can be obtained by going to Cybersource Business Center -> Account Management -> Transaction Security Keys -> Security Keys for Simple Order API.
  23. Click Submit.
    After you click Submit, a domain name appears in the Registration section. If you don't have an alias registered, a domain similar to one of the following appears:
    • staging-merchant.<domain>
    • production-merchant.<domain>

    If you do have an alias registered, the domain is something like

  24. Register with the Apple sandbox or the Apple production server.
    You need just one merchant ID to register with both servers. If your domain is registered with the Apple sandbox, the only device that can make payments on that domain is a device that is signed in to an iCloud Sandbox Tester Account; if your domain is registered with the Apple production server, any regular iCloud account can pay on that site. If you configure HTTPS, the HTTPS host name is used instead of the instance domain name. If you have multiple domain names for your site, you can register them; contact Commerce Cloud Support for details.

    Apple lets multiple domains be registered for the same Apple merchant ID. To register multiple domains, set the HTTPS URL, register it with Apple Pay, and repeat for any number of domains. When registration is complete, you can remove the HTTPS URL from the Aliases screen

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