Class SalesforcePayPalOrder

Salesforce Payments representation of a PayPal order object. See Salesforce Payments documentation for how to gain access and configure it for use on your sites.

A PayPal order is automatically created when a shopper is ready to pay for items in their basket. It becomes completed when the shopper provides information to the payment provider that is acceptable to authorize payment for a given amount.

TYPE_PAYPAL  :  String = "paypal"
Represents the PayPal funding source.
TYPE_VENMO  :  String = "venmo"
Represents the Venmo funding source.
amount  :  Money  (Read Only)
The amount of this PayPal order.
captureID  :  String  (Read Only)
The ID of the capture against this order, or null if not available.
completed  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns true if this PayPal order has been completed, or false if not.
ID  :  String  (Read Only)
The identifier of this PayPal order.
payer  :  SalesforcePayPalOrderPayer  (Read Only)
The payer information for this PayPal order, or null if not known.
shipping  :  SalesforcePayPalOrderAddress  (Read Only)
The shipping address for this PayPal order, or null if not known.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getAmount() : Money
Returns the amount of this PayPal order.
getCaptureID() : String
Returns the ID of the capture against this order, or null if not available.
getID() : String
Returns the identifier of this PayPal order.
getPayer() : SalesforcePayPalOrderPayer
Returns the payer information for this PayPal order, or null if not known.
getPaymentDetails(paymentInstrument : OrderPaymentInstrument) : SalesforcePaymentDetails
Returns the details to the Salesforce Payments payment for this PayPal order, using the given payment instrument.
getPaymentInstrument(basket : Basket) : OrderPaymentInstrument
Returns the payment instrument for this PayPal order in the given basket, or null if the given basket has none.
getPaymentInstrument(order : Order) : OrderPaymentInstrument
Returns the payment instrument for this PayPal order in the given order, or null if the given order has none.
getShipping() : SalesforcePayPalOrderAddress
Returns the shipping address for this PayPal order, or null if not known.
isCompleted() : boolean
Returns true if this PayPal order has been completed, or false if not.
Method Detail
getAmount() : Money
Returns the amount of this PayPal order.
PayPal order amount

getCaptureID() : String
Returns the ID of the capture against this order, or null if not available.
PayPal order capture identifier

getID() : String
Returns the identifier of this PayPal order.
PayPal order identifier

Returns the payer information for this PayPal order, or null if not known.
order payer information

getPaymentDetails(paymentInstrument : OrderPaymentInstrument) : SalesforcePaymentDetails
Returns the details to the Salesforce Payments payment for this PayPal order, using the given payment instrument.
paymentInstrument - payment instrument
The payment details

getPaymentInstrument(basket : Basket) : OrderPaymentInstrument
Returns the payment instrument for this PayPal order in the given basket, or null if the given basket has none.
basket - basket
basket payment instrument

getPaymentInstrument(order : Order) : OrderPaymentInstrument
Returns the payment instrument for this PayPal order in the given order, or null if the given order has none.
order - order
order payment instrument

Returns the shipping address for this PayPal order, or null if not known.
order shipping address

isCompleted() : boolean
Returns true if this PayPal order has been completed, or false if not.
true if this PayPal order has been completed