Recommenders and Available Strategies

Which strategies are available depends on the type of recommender that you want to use.

Consider these recommender types and their strategies when deciding where to place a recommendation.

Type Anchor Expected Typical Placement Available Strategies Default Primary and Secondary Strategies
Product to Product product-id Product details pages (PDPs)
  • Product affinity algorithm
  • Customers who viewed also viewed
  • Customers who viewed ultimately bought
  • Customers who bought also bought
  • Real-time personalized
  1. Customers who viewed also viewed
  2. Product affinity algorithm
Products in All Categories None
  • Home page
  • My Account page
  • My Recommendations page
  • Footer
  • Cart
  • Mini-cart
  • Wishlist
  • Checkout
  • Recent top sellers
  • Recent most viewed
  • Real-time personalized
  1. Real-time personalized
  2. Recent top sellers
Products in a Category category-id Category pages
  • Recent top sellers
  • Recent most viewed
  • Real-time personalized
  1. Real-time personalized
  2. Recent top sellers
Recently Viewed None Any page Recently viewed None
Complete the Set product-id
  • PDPs
  • Cart
Complete the Set None