Assign Variation Attributes

You can assign attributes to base product, groups, or products. Here's how To create two base products that share variation values and one with unique variation values:

  1. Select Administration > Site Development > System Objects Types > Product, make sure there is a color attribute definition for the product system object and create it if necessary.
  2. Select Merchant Tools > Site > Products and Catalogs > Variation Attributes > Catalog, create a variation attribute that uses the color attribute definition and at lease one color value.
  3. Select Merchant Tools > Site > Products and Catalogs > Products, select a Base Product. Select the Variations tab and click Lock.
  4. In the Variation Attributes section, click the ellipsis (...). Select the shared attribute you created and click Apply.
  5. Select Merchant Tools > Site > Products and Catalogs > Products select a Base Product. Select the Variations tab. The product must be a different variation product from the one you previously edited.
  6. In the Variation Attributes section, click the ellipsis (...). Select the shared attribute you created and click Apply.
  7. Select Merchant Tools > Site > Products and Catalogs > Products, select a Base Product. Select the Variations tab and click Lock. The product must be a different variation product from the one you previously edited.
  8. Click New.
  9. On the New Local Variation Attribute page, add a local variation attribute and click Apply.

The first two base products you edited now have the same color variations, and the last base product has different color variations.

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