Class Request
Represents a request in Commerce Cloud Digital. Each pipeline dictionary contains a CurrentRequest object, which is of type dw.system.Request. Most requests are HTTP requests, so you can use this object to get information about the HTTP request, such as the HTTP headers. You can also get a list of cookies, if any, associated with the request. If the request is issued from a job, the request is not an HTTP request, so HTTP-related methods return null.
clientId  :  String  (Read Only)
The client id of the current SCAPI or OCAPI request. If the request is not a SCAPI request or not an OCAPI request 'null' is returned. For client ids owned by Commerce Cloud Digital an alias is returned.
custom  :  CustomAttributes  (Read Only)
All of the custom attributes associated with the request. The attributes are stored for the life time of the request.
geolocation  :  Geolocation
The physical location for the current request, if available. The location is calculated based on the IP address of the request. Note, if the geolocation tracking feature is not enabled, this method always returns null.
httpCookies  :  Cookies  (Read Only)
The Cookies object, which can be used to read cookies sent by the client. Use the method Response.addHttpCookie() to add a cookie to the outgoing response.
httpHeaders  :  Map  (Read Only)
A Map containing all HTTP header values.
httpHost  :  String  (Read Only)
The host name or null if there is no host name.
httpLocale  :  String  (Read Only)
The locale or null if there is no associated locale.
httpMethod  :  String  (Read Only)
The name of the HTTP method with which this request was made, for example, GET, POST, or PUT.
httpParameterMap  :  HttpParameterMap  (Read Only)
The parameter map that contains the HTTP parameters for the current request.
httpParameters  :  Map  (Read Only)
A Map containing the raw HTTP parameters sent to the server. The Map contains name/value pairs. Each name is a String and each value is a String array.
httpPath  :  String  (Read Only)
The path.
httpProtocol  :  String  (Read Only)
The HTTP protocol used for this request. Possible values are "http" or "https". If the current activity is not related to an HTTP request, for example, when the request is part of a job, this method returns null.
httpQueryString  :  String  (Read Only)
The query string or null if there is no query string.
httpReferer  :  String  (Read Only)
The referer or null if there is no referer.
httpRemoteAddress  :  String  (Read Only)
The remote address or null if no remote address is found.
httpRequest  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Identifies if this request is an HTTP request. The method returns true, if the current processing is related to a HTTP request.
Effectively always returns true.
httpSecure  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns whether the HTTP communication is secure, which basically means that the communication happens via https. If the current activity is not related to an HTTP request the method returns false.
httpURL  :  URL  (Read Only)
The complete URL of the request which was received at the server. This URL does not include SEO optimizations.
httpUserAgent  :  String  (Read Only)
The HTTP user agent or null if there is no user agent.
includeRequest  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns true if the request represents a request for a remote include, false if it is a top-level request.
locale  :  String
The locale of the current request. This locale is set by the system based on the information in the URL. It may be different from the locale returned by getHttpLocale(), which is the preferred locale sent by the user agent.
ocapiVersion  :  String  (Read Only)
The OCAPI version of the current request. If this is not an OCAPI request, 'null' is returned.
pageMetaData  :  PageMetaData  (Read Only)
The page meta data that are associated with the current request.
requestID  :  String  (Read Only)
The unique identifier of the current request. The unique id is helpful for debugging purpose, e.g. relate debug messages to a particular request.
SCAPI  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns whether the request originated in SCAPI.
session  :  Session  (Read Only)
The session associated with this request.
triggeredForm  :  Form  (Read Only)
The form that was submitted by the client if the request represents a form submission.
triggeredFormAction  :  FormAction  (Read Only)
The form action that was triggered by the client if the request represents a form submission.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
addHttpCookie(cookie : Cookie) : void
Adds the specified cookie to the outgoing response.
getClientId() : String
Returns the client id of the current SCAPI or OCAPI request.
getCustom() : CustomAttributes
Returns all of the custom attributes associated with the request.
getGeolocation() : Geolocation
Returns the physical location for the current request, if available.
getHttpCookies() : Cookies
Returns the Cookies object, which can be used to read cookies sent by the client.
getHttpHeaders() : Map
Returns a Map containing all HTTP header values.
getHttpHost() : String
Returns the host name or null if there is no host name.
getHttpLocale() : String
Returns the locale or null if there is no associated locale.
getHttpMethod() : String
Returns the name of the HTTP method with which this request was made, for example, GET, POST, or PUT.
getHttpParameterMap() : HttpParameterMap
Returns the parameter map that contains the HTTP parameters for the current request.
getHttpParameters() : Map
Returns a Map containing the raw HTTP parameters sent to the server.
getHttpPath() : String
Returns the path.
getHttpProtocol() : String
Returns the HTTP protocol used for this request.
getHttpQueryString() : String
Returns the query string or null if there is no query string.
getHttpReferer() : String
Returns the referer or null if there is no referer.
getHttpRemoteAddress() : String
Returns the remote address or null if no remote address is found.
getHttpURL() : URL
Returns the complete URL of the request which was received at the server.
getHttpUserAgent() : String
Returns the HTTP user agent or null if there is no user agent.
getLocale() : String
Returns the locale of the current request.
getOcapiVersion() : String
Returns the OCAPI version of the current request.
getPageMetaData() : PageMetaData
Returns the page meta data that are associated with the current request.
getRequestID() : String
Returns the unique identifier of the current request.
getSCAPIPathParameters() : Map
Returns a map containing all path parameters of current SCAPI request in the following way:
  • keys: path parameter names from path pattern
  • values: corresponding path parameter values from current request
Returns null if isSCAPI() returns false i.e.
getSCAPIPathPattern() : String
Returns the SCAPI path pattern in the following way:
  • The first three segments /api-family/api-name/version with concrete values.
  • The /organizations part with the path parameter name organizationId in curly brackets.
  • The actual resource path additional path parameter names in curly brackets.
Returns null if isSCAPI() returns false i.e.
getSession() : Session
Returns the session associated with this request.
getTriggeredForm() : Form
Returns the form that was submitted by the client if the request represents a form submission.
getTriggeredFormAction() : FormAction
Returns the form action that was triggered by the client if the request represents a form submission.
isHttpRequest() : boolean
Identifies if this request is an HTTP request.
isHttpSecure() : boolean
Returns whether the HTTP communication is secure, which basically means that the communication happens via https.
isIncludeRequest() : boolean
Returns true if the request represents a request for a remote include, false if it is a top-level request.
isSCAPI() : boolean
Returns whether the request originated in SCAPI.
setGeolocation(geoLocation : Geolocation) : void
Sets the physical location for the current request and remembers the new value for the duration of the user session.
setLocale(localeID : String) : boolean
Sets the given locale for the request.
Method Detail
addHttpCookie(cookie : Cookie) : void
Adds the specified cookie to the outgoing response. This method can be called multiple times to set more than one cookie. If a cookie with the same cookie name, domain and path is set multiple times for the same response, only the last set cookie with this name is send to the client. This method can be used to set, update or delete cookies at the client. If the cookie doesn't exist at the client, it is set initially. If a cookie with the same name, domain and path already exists at the client, it is updated. A cookie can be deleted at the client by submitting a cookie with the maxAge attribute set to 0 (see Cookie.setMaxAge() for more information).
 Example, how a cookie can be deleted at the client:
var cookie : Cookie = new Cookie("SomeName", "Simple Value");
cookie - a Cookie object

getClientId() : String
Returns the client id of the current SCAPI or OCAPI request. If the request is not a SCAPI request or not an OCAPI request 'null' is returned. For client ids owned by Commerce Cloud Digital an alias is returned.
a client id or alias in case of an OCAPI request, otherwise null.

getCustom() : CustomAttributes
Returns all of the custom attributes associated with the request. The attributes are stored for the life time of the request.
all of the custom attributes associated with the request.

getGeolocation() : Geolocation
Returns the physical location for the current request, if available. The location is calculated based on the IP address of the request. Note, if the geolocation tracking feature is not enabled, this method always returns null.
The geolocation of the current request, or null if this is not available.

getHttpCookies() : Cookies
Returns the Cookies object, which can be used to read cookies sent by the client. Use the method Response.addHttpCookie() to add a cookie to the outgoing response.
Cookies object or null if this is not an HTTP request

getHttpHeaders() : Map
Returns a Map containing all HTTP header values.
a Map containing all HTTP header values.

getHttpHost() : String
Returns the host name or null if there is no host name.
the host name or null if there is no host name.

getHttpLocale() : String
Returns the locale or null if there is no associated locale.
the locale or null.

getHttpMethod() : String
Returns the name of the HTTP method with which this request was made, for example, GET, POST, or PUT.
the HTTP method

getHttpParameterMap() : HttpParameterMap
Returns the parameter map that contains the HTTP parameters for the current request.
the HTTP parameter map

getHttpParameters() : Map
Returns a Map containing the raw HTTP parameters sent to the server. The Map contains name/value pairs. Each name is a String and each value is a String array.
a Map containing all the raw HTTP parameters send to the server.

getHttpPath() : String
Returns the path.
the path or null.

getHttpProtocol() : String
Returns the HTTP protocol used for this request. Possible values are "http" or "https". If the current activity is not related to an HTTP request, for example, when the request is part of a job, this method returns null.
"http", "https" or null

getHttpQueryString() : String
Returns the query string or null if there is no query string.
the query string or null.

getHttpReferer() : String
Returns the referer or null if there is no referer.
the referer or null if there is no referer.

getHttpRemoteAddress() : String
Returns the remote address or null if no remote address is found.
the remote address or null if no remote address is found.

getHttpURL() : URL
Returns the complete URL of the request which was received at the server. This URL does not include SEO optimizations.
the URL as URL object

getHttpUserAgent() : String
Returns the HTTP user agent or null if there is no user agent.
the HTTP user agent or null if there is no user agent.

getLocale() : String
Returns the locale of the current request. This locale is set by the system based on the information in the URL. It may be different from the locale returned by getHttpLocale(), which is the preferred locale sent by the user agent.
the locale of the current request, like 'en_US'

getOcapiVersion() : String
Returns the OCAPI version of the current request. If this is not an OCAPI request, 'null' is returned.
OCAPI version of the current request

getPageMetaData() : PageMetaData
Returns the page meta data that are associated with the current request.
the page meta data object

getRequestID() : String
Returns the unique identifier of the current request. The unique id is helpful for debugging purpose, e.g. relate debug messages to a particular request.
the unique identifier of the current request.

getSCAPIPathParameters() : Map
Returns a map containing all path parameters of current SCAPI request in the following way:
  • keys: path parameter names from path pattern
  • values: corresponding path parameter values from current request
Returns null if isSCAPI() returns false i.e. if the request is not a SCAPI request.

For example:

  • Current request: /product/shopper-products/v1/organizations/sfcc_org/products/apple-ipod-shuffle
  • Path pattern: /product/shopper-products/v1/organizations/{organizationId}/products/{id}
  • Result: Map with 2 key:value pairs: organizationId:sfcc_org and id:apple-ipod-shuffle.
the path parameter map or null

getSCAPIPathPattern() : String
Returns the SCAPI path pattern in the following way:
  • The first three segments /api-family/api-name/version with concrete values.
  • The /organizations part with the path parameter name organizationId in curly brackets.
  • The actual resource path additional path parameter names in curly brackets.
Returns null if isSCAPI() returns false i.e. if the request is not a SCAPI request.

For example, in the context of a request to get a single product from shopper-products API, this method would return /product/shopper-products/v1/organizations/{organizationId}/products/{id}

the path pattern or null.

getSession() : Session
Returns the session associated with this request.
the session associated with this request.

getTriggeredForm() : Form
Returns the form that was submitted by the client if the request represents a form submission.
the form which was triggered

getTriggeredFormAction() : FormAction
Returns the form action that was triggered by the client if the request represents a form submission.
the action of the form that was triggered

isHttpRequest() : boolean
Identifies if this request is an HTTP request. The method returns true, if the current processing is related to a HTTP request.
Effectively always returns true.
true if the current processing is related to a HTTP request, false otherwise.

isHttpSecure() : boolean
Returns whether the HTTP communication is secure, which basically means that the communication happens via https. If the current activity is not related to an HTTP request the method returns false.

isIncludeRequest() : boolean
Returns true if the request represents a request for a remote include, false if it is a top-level request.

isSCAPI() : boolean
Returns whether the request originated in SCAPI.
true or false.

setGeolocation(geoLocation : Geolocation) : void
Sets the physical location for the current request and remembers the new value for the duration of the user session. So any subsequent calls to getGeolocation() will return this value
geoLocation - the geolocation object to use

setLocale(localeID : String) : boolean
Sets the given locale for the request. The locale is only set if it is valid, if it is active and if it is allowed for the current site.
localeID - the locale ID to be set, like 'en_US'
true, if the locale was successfully set, false otherwise