Create Pipeline URLs

You can create up to 500 alias for URLs generated by a pipeline.

You can use the "/" character to create pipeline aliases with multiple path elements, such as customer/account or consumers/cart. In the New Alias field, enter for example, consumers/cart for the Cart-Show pipeline, which will result in …/us/consumers/cart if this pipeline is called and the locale mapping for the chosen locale is us.

You can't use reserved keywords for pipeline aliases.

Note: Reserved keywords include: dw, _dw, h, _h, n, or _n.

See Configuring SEO URLs.

URLs created for the Search-Show pipeline without a category ID and search refinements are supported for search refinement URLs, for example search/abrand/blue. This functionality is also available for the Search-ShowContent pipeline, for example searchcontent/history.

You can exclude the pipeline alias Search-Show (or Search-ShowContent) from the URL path when no category (or folder) ID is available. This enables you to create URLs such as|blue/ instead of|blue/.

See Using the SEO URLs Settings Tab.

  1. Select site > SEO > URL Rules.
    If you see the Search Support Preferences page instead of the URL Rules page General tab, select site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Storefront URLs, to enable the URL Rules module.
  2. Click the Pipeline URLs tab.
  3. Enable Append Trailing Slash to Pipeline URLs if you want the trailing slash to appear when an alias is provided with a slash.
    You can configure this whether an automatic redirect should occur or not. The trailing slash and automatic redirect is disabled by default.
  4. Enable Perform automatic redirect if you want to automatically redirect requests to the desired trailing slash configuration.
  5. On Pipeline URLs tab, select a locale from the Locale list.

    The list shows all of the locales configured in Administration > Global Preferences > Locales. Make sure that if you create aliases for a locale, that these aliases are also selected for the site in site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Locales.

    When you have selected a locale, all of the aliases you create are used for that locale. See SEO URLs Settings Tab.

    If an incoming URL includes a locale that can't be identified, such as de_DE, then Salesforce B2C Commerce uses the locale de if it exists, and the default locale if it does not. Any pipeline aliases created prior to Release 14.8 are treated as aliases for the default locale.

  6. Enter the pipeline-subpipeline or the pipeline alias that you want to create in the Alias or Pipeline fields, to make sure the alias that you want to create doesn't exist.
  7. Enter a term to represent the pipeline in the URL into the New Alias field. For example, if you want the URL hostnamealias/s/sitename/Home-Show to appear as hostnamealias/s/sitename/home, enter home.
  8. Enter the pipeline-subpipeline that you want to create an alias for into the resolves to field. For example, Home-Show.
  9. Click Apply.
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