Edit Multiple Products

You can use Business Manager to edit multiple products. You can update or delete product attributes or reassign products to a category, copy or delete products, and modify prices.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Products.
  2. To edit products in groups (or via batch processing), either:
    • Mark the products you want to edit by selecting them and then click Edit Selected.
    • Click the Select All link and then click Edit Selected.
    • Click Edit All to edit the entire result set.
      Note: Clicking Select All and Edit All marks the entire result set for editing.
  3. On the Step 1: Select Action page, select one of these actions:
    Table 1.
    Option Description
    Update/Delete Product Attributes

    On the Step 2: Update/Delete Product Attributes page, click Select Attributes, and select product attributes to be updated or deleted.

    If you don't enter an attribute value or select None, the corresponding product attribute value is deleted.

    You can edit or delete site-specific product attributes (for example, searchPlacement, searchRank, or searchable) by site. The change applies only to the affected site.

    Updating product attribute for multiple products (bulk updates) in Business Manager has a content/value/text limitation of 4000 characters.

    Click Finish to apply the changes you have made to these attribute values to all the selected products. A batch process performs the action.

    To edit other products, click Proceed and Return to Products.

    Assign Products to Catalog Category

    On the Step 2: Assign Products to Catalog Category page, select a target catalog and one or more categories in that catalog. This step lets you assign all products contained in the current search result to the selected catalog category.

    On the Step 3: Assign Products to Catalog Category Confirmation page, you can specify the Classification and Primary category. The classification category defines the attribute set of the product. The primary category is used as the standard presentation context within that catalog in the storefront.

    Click Finish. A batch process performs the reassignment.

    Click Finish: Return to Productsto edit other products.

    Unassign Products from Catalog Categories This selection supports these actions on the selected products:
    1. Unassign from All Categories: Removes existing category assignments. The user must have global catalog permission for this mode.

      On Step 3: Click Finish: Go to Batch Process. A batch process performs the reassignment.

      Click Finish: Return to Products to edit other products.

    2. Unassign from All Site Catalog Categories: Removes existing category assignments to the current site catalog. Assignments to other catalogs are not affected.

      On Step 3: Click Finish: Go to Batch Process. A batch process performs the reassignment.

      Click Finish: Return to Products to edit other products.

    3. Unassign from Select Site Catalog Categories: Removes existing category assignments to selected categories in a selected site catalog. After you select this option and click Next >>, you can select a catalog and one or more categories within that catalog. This action applies only to those selected categories; assignments to other categories are not affected.

    A batch process performs the reassignments.

    On Step 3: Click Finish: Go to Batch Process. A batch process performs the reassignment.

    Click Finish: Return to Products to edit other products.

    Copy Products Select one or more products to copy. A batch process performs the action. The copies are automatically given an ID of product ID-x, with X starting at one. When you return to the product search, you see the new copies listed below the original products.

    On Step 2: Click Finish: Go to Batch Process. A batch process performs the reassignment.

    Click Finish: Return to Products to edit other products.

    Delete Product Select one or more products to delete. A batch process performs the action.
    Modify Prices

    Select one or more products for a price change.

    1. Select a price book to edit.
    2. Select price table in the price book.
    3. Enter an amount.
    4. Click Next >>.

      On Step 3: Click Finish: Go to Batch Process. A batch process performs the reassignment.

      Click Finish: Return to Products to edit other products.

    Lock Products Select one or more products to lock.

    On Step 2: Click Finish: Go to Batch Process. A batch process performs the reassignment.

    Click Finish: Return to Products to edit other products.

    Unlock Products Select one or more products to unlock.

    On Step 2: Click Finish: Go to Batch Process. A batch process performs the reassignment.

    Click Finish: Return to Products to edit other products.

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