JobExecution document (Data API 23.2)

Property Type Constraints Description
client_id String   When the execution was started by a client, this represents the client's id.
continue_information JobExecutionContinueInformation   The continuation information of this execution if available.
duration Long   Time in milliseconds, the execution was or is running.
effective_duration Long   Time in milliseconds, the job has done work. Paused times are evicted.
end_time DateTime   Timestamp, when execution was finished.
executed_server_id String   The ID of the server that executed the job.
execution_scopes [String]   Sorted set of all execution scopes, used by individual steps.
execution_status Enum {pending, running, pausing, paused, resuming, resumed, restarting, restarted, retrying, retried, aborting, aborted, finished, unknown}   Current execution status of the job.
  • 'pending': Execution of the job been initiated but the job is not executing yet. Possible next status: 'running' or 'aborting'.
  • 'running': The job is currently actively executed. Possible next status: 'finished', 'pausing' or 'aborting'.
  • 'finished': The job execution is finished and is not actively executed currently. Possible next status: none, or 'retrying' (if the job failed and retry is enabled)
  • 'pausing': Pausing of a running job execution has been initiated but the job is not paused yet. Possible next status: 'paused' or 'aborting'.
  • 'paused': The job execution is paused and is not actively executed currently. Possible next status: 'resuming' or 'restarting'.
  • 'resuming': Resume of a paused job execution has been initiated but the job is not resumed yet. Possible next status: 'resumed' or 'aborting'.
  • 'resumed': A paused job execution is resumed and is currently actively executed. Possible next status: 'finished', 'pausing' or 'aborting'.
  • 'restarting': Restart of a paused job execution has been initiated but the job is not restarted yet. Possible next status: 'restarted' or 'aborting'.
  • 'restarted': A paused job execution is restarted and is currently actively currently. Possible next status: 'finished', 'pausing' or 'aborting'.
  • 'retrying': Retry of a finished (but failed) job execution has been initiated but the job is not retried yet. Possible next status: 'retried' or 'aborting'.
  • 'retried': A finished (but failed) job execution is retried and is currently actively currently. Possible next status: 'finished', 'pausing' or 'aborting'.
  • 'aborting': Abort of running job execution has been initiated but the job is not aborted yet. Possible next status: 'aborted'.
  • 'aborted': A running job execution has been aborted and is not actively executed currently. Possible next status: none.
exit_status Status   The exit status of the job execution, if the job execution is in execution status 'finished', 'paused' or 'aborted' and is not executed currently anymore.
id String   ID of the execution object.
is_log_file_existing Boolean   True if the log file exists, otherwise false.
is_restart Boolean   True if this execution represents a job restart.
job_description String   Description of the job, this execution belongs to.
job_id String   ID of the job, this execution belongs to.
log_file_path String   Full WebDAV path of the log file, containing execution log.
modification_time DateTime   Timestamp of the last modification time for the execution.
parameters [JobExecutionParameter]   List of all job execution parameters.
retry_information JobExecutionRetryInformation   The retry information of this execution if available.
start_time DateTime   Timestamp, when execution was started.
status String   The current status. If the job execution is currently executed (execution status is one of 'pending', 'running', 'pausing', 'resuming', 'resumed', 'restarting', 'restarted', 'retrying', 'retried', 'aborting') the execution status is returned. If the job execution is not executed currently anymore (execution status is one one 'finished', 'paused' or 'aborted') the exit status code of the job execution is returned.
status_metadata StatusMetadata   The metadata of the status.
step_executions [JobStepExecution]   List of all steps, called for job execution.
user_login String   When the execution was started by a registered user, this represents the user's login.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.
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