Class FormElement
Represents a form element.
dynamicHtmlName  :  String  (Read Only)
A dynamic html name for the field. It can be used to suppress any autocompletion support from a browser, e.g. for credit card related fields. It can be also used for a unique form name, if one form is used multiple times in a page.
formId  :  String  (Read Only)
The ID of the form element. The is is unique within the parent element of the form.
htmlName  :  String  (Read Only)
The global unique name of the field, which can be used as name in the html form. For radio buttons this name is not unique.
parent  :  FormElement  (Read Only)
The parent within the form.
valid  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Identifies if this element and all its children elements are valid. A form element, which was not submitted in the last request is always valid.
validationResult  :  FormElementValidationResult  (Read Only)
Provides a combined view on the validation status as per isValid() and getError(). In addition it also provides the data as returned by the validation in case a validation script was used.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly. To get an instance of this class, use one of the subclass constructors.
Method Summary
clearFormElement() : void
This method clears the whole form.
getDynamicHtmlName() : String
Returns a dynamic html name for the field.
getFormId() : String
The ID of the form element.
getHtmlName() : String
Returns the global unique name of the field, which can be used as name in the html form.
getParent() : FormElement
The parent within the form.
getValidationResult() : FormElementValidationResult
Provides a combined view on the validation status as per isValid() and getError().
invalidateFormElement() : void
The method can be called to explicitly invalidate a form element.
invalidateFormElement(error : String) : void
The method can be called to explicitly invalidate a field.
isValid() : boolean
Identifies if this element and all its children elements are valid.
Method Detail
clearFormElement() : void
This method clears the whole form. After clearing a form it contains no value or the default value, is not bound to any business object and has the status of being valid.

getDynamicHtmlName() : String
Returns a dynamic html name for the field. It can be used to suppress any autocompletion support from a browser, e.g. for credit card related fields. It can be also used for a unique form name, if one form is used multiple times in a page.
a dynamic html name.

getFormId() : String
The ID of the form element. The is is unique within the parent element of the form.
the ID of the form.

getHtmlName() : String
Returns the global unique name of the field, which can be used as name in the html form. For radio buttons this name is not unique.
the global unique name of the field.

getParent() : FormElement
The parent within the form.
the parent within the form.

getValidationResult() : FormElementValidationResult
Provides a combined view on the validation status as per isValid() and getError(). In addition it also provides the data as returned by the validation in case a validation script was used.
the validation status (valid, error, data)

invalidateFormElement() : void
The method can be called to explicitly invalidate a form element. The error text will be set to the one of two possible preconfigured custom error messages associated with the form definition. The "value-error" message will be used for FormField instances and "form-error" will be used for FormGroup instances.

invalidateFormElement(error : String) : void
The method can be called to explicitly invalidate a field. The error text is set to the given error message.
error - the error text to use.

isValid() : boolean
Identifies if this element and all its children elements are valid. A form element, which was not submitted in the last request is always valid.
true if this element and all its children elements are valid, false otherwise.