Salesforce B2C Commerce URL Syntax Without SEO

To see the standard B2C Commerce URLs without search engine optimization, make sure that the URL Rules module is disabled. If you are using the deprecated SEO Support module, make sure it's also disabled.

URL syntax can be understood simply as a protocol (http), host name (, and path (/electronics/tvs/promopage.html).

This section is based on the following URL example:​Sites-YourShopHere-Site/​EN_US/Search-Show?_ie=iso-8859-1&cgid=G

The following table illustrates the URL generation pattern without any optimization:

URL part Example Description Example
Protocol Protocol http
Host name Host or domain name which must be defined under Site > SEO > Aliases.
B2C Commerce identifier A string indicating that the site is hosted on B2C Commerce. on/
Instance name The instance name. The structure is: organization-site_name-Site. The organization name can be defined under Administration > Organization > > Organization Profile. The site name is defined in Administration > Sites > Manage Sites > Sitename . The "Site" at the end of this is static and can only be changed if you enable search-friendly URLs. Sites-YourShopHere-Site

Defines the shown page's language.

Global locales are set in Administration > Global Preferences > Locales.

The locales used by a site are set in site > Site Preferences > Locales.

Pipeline Describes the pipeline to be used to get the desired content. Search-Show
Encoding Optional. Only included if you want to use an encoding other than UTF-8. The underscore is part of the parameter name. Usually, this is only needed if there is an affiliate system that is incapable of UTF-8 encoding making a request. _ie=iso-8859-1
Pipeline parameters The parameters supplied to the pipeline to produce the page. In this case, the Search-show pipeline searches for the category id (cgid) of G. cgid=G

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URL Syntax

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