Import and Export Geolocations

Store geolocation data is imported when you import a .zip file from external sources.

You can also manually import and export just geolocation data in Business Manager. However, you can't import or export IP lookup geolocation data.
  1. To export geolocation data:
    1. Select Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export.
    2. Under Export, expand the Global Data data unit and select Geolocations.
    3. Specify an archive name and click Export.
    4. You can also schedule exports by clicking Schedule Backups.
  2. To import only geolocation data:
    1. Select Administration > Site Development > Import & Export.
    2. Upload your XML geolocation file.
    3. Under Geolcations, click Import.
    4. Select your geolocation file and click Next. A validation is run.
    5. When the validation completes, click Import. The import process displays.
    6. Click Refresh until the process completes.