A/B Testing Suggestions

Suggestions for A/B testing.

  • Don't finish a test too early. Ensure that your test reaches statistical significance or that the results are clear.
  • Check the test at predetermined times to determine if you want to continue based on results.
  • Test only those site visitors that you want to test: Use customer groups to focus on specific types of customers.
  • Trust the data you collect: Don't reject the results because you do not believe them. Remember why you tested in the first place — because you wanted to learn how customers actually behave.
  • Testing for conversion optimization is a long-term commitment: Make A/B testing part of your long-term marketing strategy.
  • Beware of the never-ending test: Consider every test an opportunity to learn. Don't waste time on a test that isn't yielding results.

Clearing Cookies When You Are Verifying Your Tests

When you have configured and enabled (important) your tests, run them to see if the results are what you expect. Consider opening various browsers and entering the storefront, simulating customer behavior. During this process, clear cookies on your browser each time you enter a site to simulate the entry by a different visitor.

To clear cookies, first identify your browser.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options and the General tab.
  2. To delete all cookies, in the Browsing History section, click Delete.
  3. Uncheck the top Preserve Favorites Website Data box.
  4. Check the box beside Cookies.
  5. Click Delete.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. On the Tools menu, click Clear Recent History.
  2. Set the Time range to clear to Everything.
  3. Select Cookies.
  4. Click Clear Now.
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