Manage Your Payment Processors

Use Business Manager to configure and manage a custom payment processor or use one or more pre-defined processors such as basic credit card, basic gift certificate, Cybersource BML (Bill Me Later), Cybersource Credit, PayPal Credit, PayPal Express, and Verisign credit.

When you create a payment processor, you must define the preferences needed for this payment processor. Obtain these preferences from the payment provider's specifications.

You can activate payment processors for all customers or for specific customer groups.

  1. Configure your payment processor with the provider.
    1. Set up and configure a payment provider account and a sandbox account for development. (Contact your payment provider for more information.)
      To accept payment via certain providers, you must have an account with that provider, for example, PayPal.
    2. Set up the necessary API calls to your payment provider.
      Create scripts that interface with the payment provider's API. This is already available for the payment processors.
    3. Obtain a certificate for use with your payment provider.
      For some payment providers, a certificate must be sent between the storefront and the payment provider for identification purposes. Obtain this certificate from the payment provider or a third-party vendor.
    4. Notify Commerce Cloud Support of your certificate, who installs the certificate on your Salesforce B2C Commerce instance.
  2. Configure your payment processor.
    1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Ordering > Payment Processors for your site.
    2. On the Payment Processors List page, click New.
    3. On the New Payment Processor page, enter the ID (for example, Discover_PM).
    4. Enter an optional description of the payment processor.
    5. Click Apply.
  3. Open a payment processor and click the Settings tab.

    If you have write permission to access settings, you see a here link for both the system object type site preferences and the site custom preferences (if defined).

    For a standard or existing custom payment processor, you see the settings. For a new payment processor, continue to the next step.

  4. To configure a new payment processor, start by obtaining the required payment method preferences and settings from the payment provider, and create the same attributes in the SitePreferences system object.
    You must have write permission to configure system object type attributes. If you have read-only permission, you can view the settings, but you can't change them. This also applies to changes via B2C Commerce API calls.
    1. Select Administration > Site Development > System Object Types. Click the SitePreferences system object link.
    2. Click the Attributes Definitions tab.
    3. Click New and create an attribute (for example, create the attributes accountid (integer, mandatory and a minimum of five characters) and accountname (string, mandatory and a minimum of 10 characters).
    4. On the Object Type Site Preferences page, click the Attribute Grouping tab.
    5. Enter the name of the payment processor you created (for example, Discover_PM) in the ID field.
    6. Enter a name in the Name field (for example, Discover payment method) and click Add.
      The ID appears in the list.
    7. Click Edit beside the attribute grouping you created.
    8. Click the ellipses (...) to view the available attributes and select the attributes that you created (for example, accountid and accountname).
  5. Add the new attribute group ID as a custom preference.
    You must have write permission to configure custom site preferences. If you have read-only permission, you can view the settings, but you can't change them. This also applies to changes via B2C Commerce API calls.
    1. Select site > Merchant Tools > SitePreferences > Custom Preferences and select the Attribute Group ID that you created.
    2. Enter the payment provider's credentials and click Apply.
      You can now use the credentials in your application. You can also access these new settings by selecting site > Merchant Tools > Ordering > Payment Processors. Select the new payment processor and click the Settings tab.
  6. Implement storefront and backoffice extensions in Studio.
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