Export Customer Data Snapshots

You can export customer data snapshots to delete customer data from the system but retain an archive of it.

  1. Select Merchant Tools > Customers > Snapshots.
  2. On the New Snapshot tab, under Search Customer Data, enter one or more search terms, separated by spaces, in one of the fields.
    • If you search by customer email address or customer number, the search returns any matching customer records and any order records belonging to the returned customer records.
    • If you search by order number, the search returns any matching order records.
  3. Click Find. To get more information about a record in the search results, click its customer number, login, or order number. Its details page opens in a new browser tab.
  4. Select the checkboxes for the records that you want to include in the snapshot. Selecting a customer record automatically includes the order records associated with the customer. (It does not select their checkboxes on the page.)
  5. Click Collect Data. This opens the New Snapshot - Customer Data page.
  6. Review the generated list of records, and click Create Snapshot to export the data via WebDAV. The system assigns an ID to the snapshot. The name of the target directory is constructed from the snapshot ID, its timestamp, and another generated number.
  7. The snapshot may take up to nine days to complete. While the snapshot is running, the Status column shows the current status of the processes that generate the files.

Click Refresh to refresh the view. The Status column has an Open Snapshot Directory link. You must have WebDAV credentials to access the directory.

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