Import and Export Object Cheatsheet
Learn about and access Salesforce B2C Commerce object type-specific import and export capabilities.
The following table describes object type-specific import and export capabilities based on available schema files, Business Manager features, and pipelets. You can click the links for additional information on each type of object to export.
Objects | Schema File | Business Manager Location | Pipelet |
A/B Tests | abtest.xsd | or you can include A/B tests in Site Import & Export. |
ExportABTests ImportABTests |
(Business Manager extensions can't be imported or exported.) | bmext.xsd | N/A | N/A |
Active Data |
(No schema) Active data is imported using a .csv file. For more information, see Downloading Active Data from Production and Importing Active Data .csv files. |
ImportActiveData |
Cache Settings | cache-settings.xsd | N/A | |
(Campaigns are no longer imported separately from promotions.) | (See promotions.xsd) | Imported as part of promotions | ImportCampaigns (deprecated) |
Catalog and Product Information |
catalog.xsd Granularity: Entire catalog. |
ImportCatalog (Import configuration: Delete catalog before import) ExportCatalog Granularity: Passed categories, products of passed categories, category assignments of passed categories, all recommendations in catalog, and all shared product options in catalog. |
Content and Library Folders |
library.xsd Granularity: Entire library. |
ImportContent ExportContent Granularity: Passed folders and content assets of passed folders. For images, create a job that uses FTPClient or WebDAVClient to move files into the correct location in the cartridge. |
Content Slots | slot.xsd |
ImportSlots ExportSlots |
(Coupon codes can't be imported.) |
coupon.xsd CSV format Granularity: Selected coupons. |
ImportCoupons ExportCouponCodes ExportCoupons Granularity: Passed coupons. |
Customer Groups | customergroup.xsd | and |
ImportCustomerGroups ExportCustomerGroups Granularity: Passed customer groups. |
Customer | customer.xsd | ||
Customer List |
customerlist2.xsd |
ImportCustomerList ExportCustomerList |
Custom Objects |
customobject.xsd Granularity: All custom objects of selected type. |
ImportCustomObjects ExportCustomObjects Granularity: Passed custom objects. |
Custom Object Type Definitions |
metadata.xsd Granularity: Organization's custom object type definitions. |
Importing from the Site Development module (not Site Import/Export) enables you to delete all custom objects before import. This option provides for the deletion of existing metadata. |
ExportMetaData Granularity: Organization custom object type definitions. |
Custom Preference Definitions |
metadata.xsd Granularity: Organization's custom preference definitions. |
and |
ExportMetaData Granularity: Organization custom preference definitions. |
(Forms can't be imported or exported.) | form.xsd | N/A | N/A |
geolocation.xsd |
N/A (Object contains store geolocation information. This information doesn't apply to IP address geolocation, which can't be imported or exported.) This object doesn't export geolocation information for orders. See order export for that information. |
Gift Certificates |
giftcertificate.xsd Granularity: Selected gift certificates. |
ImportGiftCertificates ExportGiftCertificates Granularity: Passed gift certificates. |
Gift registry (see product list) | |||
inventory.xsd |
ImportInventoryLists ExportInventoryLists |
(Only export is supported.) |
order.xsd Granularity: Selected orders and credit card numbers are masked. |
Contact Customer Support for information about importing orders. |
ExportOrders Granularity: Passed orders and credit card numbers are masked or encrypted. |
Payment Methods | paymentmethod.xsd | N/A | |
Payment Processor Information | paymentprocessor.xsd | and | N/A |
Price Books |
pricebook.xsd Granularity: Selected price books. |
ImportPriceBooks ExportPriceBooks Granularity: Passed price books. |
Product Images | N/A | Create a job that uses FTPClient or WebDAVClient to move files into the correct location in the cartridge. | |
Product List | productlist.xsd |
ImportProductLists ExportProductLists |
Promotions | promotion.xsd | and |
ImportPromotions ExportPromotions |
Schedules | schedules.xsd | N/A | |
Search Information |
search2.xsd search.xsd Note: Search.xsd is deprecated and was removed on April 15, 2011.
Files based on both search.xsd and search2.xsd are exported from when the Search Settings option is selected.A file based on search2.xsd is exported from . No file based on search.xsd is exported here. |
N/A |
Search Preferences | preferences.xsd | N/A | |
Services | and |
ImportServices ExportServices Granularity: All services. |
Shipping Methods |
shipping.xsd Granularity: Selected shipping methods. |
ImportShippingMethods ExportShippingMethods Granularity: Passed shipping methods. |
Sites | site.xsd | N/A | |
Sorting Rules | sort.xsd | and | |
Source-Code Groups |
sourcecode.xsd Granularity: Selected source-code groups. |
ImportSourceCodes ExportSourceCodes Granularity: Passed source-code groups. |
(Standard include file, not intended for import or export) | xml.xsd | N/A | N/A |
Store Information |
store.xsd Granularity: Selected stores. |
ImportStores ExportStores Granularity: Passed stores. |
metadata.xsd Granularity: Organization's system object type extensions. |
ExportMetaData Granularity: Organization system object type extensions. |
Tax Tables |
tax.xsd Granularity: All tax classes, tax jurisdictions, and tax rates. |
ImportTaxTable ExportTaxTable Granularity: All tax classes, tax jurisdictions, and tax rates. |
URL Redirects | redirecturl.xsd | N/A | |
Note: Legacy SEO Support rules are exported using site preferences.
url-rules.xsd Granularity: All rules that determine the format of URLs for the storefront. |
N/A | |
Web services (see Services) | |||
Wish Lists (see product lists) |