URL Call Pipeline Start Node for Source Codes

When calling a Salesforce B2C Commerce storefront, you can call a pipeline start node directly via a URL. This URL navigates the customer to one of two destinations, depending on whether the source code is valid (active, enabled and a real source code).

  1. From SourceCodeRedirect-Start:
    • If the customer arrives at the storefront before the source code expires, the product page opens. The source code selects a price book.
    • If the customer arrives at the storefront after the source code expired, the category page opens.
  2. To redirect from the URL, select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Source Code Groups.
  3. Click Find to view the list of source code groups.
  4. Open the selected source code group and click the Codes tab.
  5. On the Codes tab, enter SpringSale into the Source-Code Specification field and click Add.
  6. On the Redirects tab, select Active: Product.
  7. Using the browse button, locate and select the product page you want to show.
  8. Select Inactive: Category.
  9. Click the category page you want to show and click Apply.
  10. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Source Code Groups.
    1. Click Find or enter a source code name to find source codes.
    2. Click a source code group name.
    3. On the Price Books tab, enter or browse to the price book you want to use, and click Add.
  11. Select site > Site Preferences > Source-Codes, enter src into the URL Parameter Name control and click Apply.
  12. Select site > SEO > Aliases, enter www.yourstore.com and click Save.
  13. Select site > Online Marketing > Source-Code Groups > General.
    1. Find the source code you want to edit.
    2. Click the source code's name to open it.
    3. Define its start and end dates.
    4. Click Apply.

    The customer will see one page while the source code is valid and another in different situations.