View Change History

You can collect and then view change history details for several Business Manager data objects. Use the Business Manager Administrations Change History module to search for and view change history data.

You can collect and then view change history details for several Business Manager data objects.

Use the Business Manager Administrations Change History module to search for and view change history data.

  1. Select Administration > Operations > Change History.
  2. Select an object type or enter an object ID to restrict the search to objects of the specified type or ID.
    Object types appear in this list only if you enable change history tracking for the corresponding module. The list of types changes depending on the enabled settings.
  3. Select the scope to restrict the search to objects existing within a limited context.
    For example, if you select Product as the object type, and you select a specific catalog as the scope, Salesforce B2C Commerce returns changes only for products within the context of the selected catalog, omitting changes for products as they relate to price books, inventory lists, and other catalogs. By default, the scope is set to All, indicating that B2C Commerce returns changes across all contexts (or scopes).
  4. Select an action to further restrict the search. There are several high-level actions:
    • All (which includes Object Creation, Object Deletion, and Object Update)
    • Object Creation
    • Object Deletion
    • Object Update

    If an Object Update action can't be further restricted, the value 'Attributes' appears instead of the value 'Object Update.'

  5. You can further restrict object updates depending on the object type, as shown in the following table:
    Object type Update actions
    A/B test
    • All
    • Attributes
    • A/B test Segments
    • Slot Configuration A/B test Assignments
    • Promotion A/B test Assignments
    • Sorting Rule A/B test Assignments
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Promotion Campaign Assignments
    • Slot Configuration Campaign Assignments
    • Sorting Rule Campaign Assignments
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Catalog Site Assignments
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Search Refinement Definitions
    • Category Links
    • Product Category Assignments
    • Attribute Groups
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Folder Assignments
    Coupon: each change tracking event contains information about an imported coupon and the number of imported coupon codes to which it's related.
    • All
    • Object creation
    • Attributes
    • Object Deletion
    Customer Group
    • All
    • Attributes
    Customer List
    • All
    • Attributes
    • System Preferences
    • Customer List Site Assignments
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Folder Assignments
    • Search Refinement Definitions
    • Attribute Groups
    Inventory list
    • All
    • Object Creation
    • Object Updates
      • All Updates
      • Attributes
      • Inventory List Site Assignments
    • Object Deletion
    Job Schedule
    • Attributes
    Object Definition
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Attribute Definitions
    • Attribute Groups
    • All
    • Taxation Preference
    • Basket Preference
    • Tax Jurisdiction
    • Tax Jurisdiction Mapping
    • Tax Class
    • Tax Rate
    • Ordering Preference
    • Shipping Product Fixed/Surcharge Cost
    • Shipping Cost
    • Shipping Method
    • Payment Processor
    • Payment Card
    • Payment Method
    • All
    • Attributes
    • System Preferences
    • Custom Preferences
    • Locale
    • OAuth Provider
    • Search Service Setting
    • Custom Log Setting
    Price Book
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Price Book Site Assignments
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Product Category Assignments
    • Product Options
    • Product Option Bindings
    • Variation Attributes
    • Main Variant Assignments
    • Product Links
    • Product Set Assignments
    • Product Bundle Assignments
    • Recommendations
    • Price Tables
    • Inventory Records
    Product Option
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Site Assignments
    • Product Option Bindings
    • Product Option Values
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Promotion Campaign Assignments
    • Promotion A/B test Assignments
    • Attributes
    Search Setting
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Searchable Attributes
    • Search Driven Redirects
    • Stopwords
    • Category Name Exclusions
    • Synonymns
    • Hypernyms
    • Compound Words
    • Common Phrases
    • Suggestion Phrases
    • Suggestion Blocklists
    • Dynamic Sorting Attributes
    • All
    • Attributes
    • System Preferences
    • Custom Preferences
    • Catalog Site Assignments
    • Price Book Site Assignments
    • Inventory List Site Assignments
    • Promotion Settings
    • Customer List Site Assignments
    Site URL
    • Object Creation
    • Object Update
      • All Updates
      • Attributes
      • Settings
      • Locale Mappings
      • Pipeline Aliases
      • Redirects
      • Dynamic Mappings
      • Static Mappings
      • Host Name Aliases
      • Character Replacement Rules
    • Object Deletion
    Slot Configuration
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Slot Configuration Campaign Assignments
    • Slot Configuration A/B test Assignments
    Sorting Rule
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Storefront Sorting Options
    • Sorting Rule Campaign Assignments
    • Sorting Rule A/B test Assignments
    Sourcecode Group
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Sourcecode Assignments
    • Attributes
    Variation Attribute
    • All
    • Attributes
    • Variation Attribute Values
    • Variation Attribute Bindings
  6. You can enter the ID of a user or job to restrict the changes to only those performed by the user or job.
  7. You can specify a range of From and To dates.
  8. Click Find.

    B2C Commerce returns a search result with zero or more changes.

  9. Click a summary line.
    Individual changes appear in a table. Each row in the table represents a single change event―a creation event, update event, or deletion event. You can see the exact time when the change occurred.
  10. Click the Show Details link to see a JSON representation of the object after the change occurred.
  11. Using a text comparison tool, you can see the differences between two JSON representations of the same object, allowing you to identify the exact nature of the change.