A/B Test Object Import and Export

Use the abtest.xsd schema to import and export A/B tests.

When using the abtest.xsd schema, all A/B test child elements are optional to allow support for different import modes. You can run an UPDATE mode import to update certain attributes of an A/B test, but not affect other attributes of the test. Or you can run a DELETE mode import, where you only specify the ID of the A/B test to be deleted. In both cases, the elements that are not relevant can be omitted from the file.

The <participation> element supports a replace semantic. In UPDATE or MERGE modes, you can omit this element so that the related attributes of an A/B test remain unchanged. If the element is provided, its contents must be provided in their entirety. For example, if there is a <participation> element, it must also contain the <trigger> and <expiration> elements.

You can export A/B test results from the test results page in .csv format for later analysis, typically within a spreadsheet application.

Object Information Details
Schema file abtest.xsd
Business Manager import and export location Manually import or export A/B test configurations in Online Marketing > Import & Export or include in Site Import/Export.
  • ExportABTests
  • ImportABTests