Mask a Gift Certificate Code

A gift certificate code is sensitive data, so make sure that only the recipient has access to the code throught the creation and redemption process.

All characters except the last four are masked with asterisks.

For example:

Clear Text Masked
00000001 ****0001
1F4T 1F4T

Using API methods, your application can access masked and unmasked codes. To control the masking of exported certificates, use the site preference Gift Certificate Code Masked.

The following table describes when the gift certificate code appears in clear text or masked:

Context Presentation
The email sent to the recipient that contains the gift certificate code Clear Text
Gift certificate list page in Business Manager Masked
Gift certificate detail page in Business Manager Masked
Order management pages in Business Manager Masked
Checkout redemption page in the storefront Clear Text
Basket checkout page in the storefront after redemption on the payment page Masked
Order history page in Business Manager Masked
Gift certificate export Masked
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