View Quota Status

You can view quota status and limits in the Administration module. Identify issues with your code and correct them before they cause significant problems.

You can also view Quota violations in the Quota log file by selecting Administration > Site Development > Development Setup > WebDAV Access section > Log files.

  1. Select Administration > Operations > Quota Status.
  2. On the Quota page, review the Custom Quota Actions section to see if any custom quota actions are active on the instance.
  3. To view details, expand a quota.
  4. On the Custom Quota Actions page, review the API quota limits and current usage for the quota elements that are of concern to you. Pay attention to any elements that appear in red or orange. Every quota is color-coded:
    Option Description
    Green OK
    Orange Warning / Near Quota Limit
    Red Error / Action Required
    If you are using a Sandbox, database size limit and current usage are displayed in the Database Usage section.

    The API values reflect the last 24 hours only.

  5. To send out a daily summary of all quotas that are in violation, add any email addresses, and select Enabled.
    When a quota is violated, an email is sent to all recipients defined in this field.

    Recipients can be a single email address or a list of comma-separated email addresses. To save these settings, click Apply. To revert to the initial values, click Reset.

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