JavaScript Expressions in ISML

To simplify coding, we recommend that you use B2C Commerce JavaScript expressions within ISML templates.


This example prints the product display name from the Pipeline Dictionary:

<isprint value="${pdict.Product.displayName}"/>

The product SKU is:


This example checks if there are any items or gift certificates in the cart (as entered by the customer):

<isif condition="${empty(pdict.CurrentForms.cart.items) && empty(pdict.CurrentForms.cart.giftcerts)}">
<!--- empty basket --->
<div id="infoBox">Your shopping cart is empty.</div>	

The Empty Operator

Empty has a particular significance when accessing an object, as follows:

Operator Purpose

Returns true if the object is empty. Empty is defined as:

  • null
  • undefined
  • a string with zero length
  • an array with no elements
  • a collection with no elements
Note: If the object is never declared, the JavaScript throws a ReferenceError so Empty(object) isn't true.
isEmpty() Returns true if the collection is empty.

If the object is empty, propagates an assertion using the specified message.


  • arg - the object to check.
  • msg - the assertion message.