Common Error Messages

Error messages indicate that something is blocking the successful deployment or automation of Commerce Cloud Einstein.

This table shows common errors that occur when deploying a site to Commerce Cloud Einstein.

Error Message Potential Problem Potential Resolution
Error deploying feed: Catalog.
  • No catalog found (typically occurs only during status check and not during deployment).
  • Missing images (or high percentage [25%+] of missing images).
  • Primary category path is missing.
  • SKUs are missing from product catalog but variation groups are used
  • Validate the catalog feed schedule.
  • Review the specific problem by going to Business Manager > Administration > Operations > Job History (Deprecated) > Filter by Name: CQuotient Feed Schedule. The error message can offer additional detail. For additional guidance beyond the error message, submit a Support ticket including the specific error message.
  • Validate the following:
    • Catalog is present
    • The percentage of missing images in the catalog is High (greater than 75% of products)
    • If your images don't live in Business Manager, submit a Support ticket with additional detail on how your images paths are constructed to get customization for your site.
    • Primary category path is present (where applicable)
    • If your catalog uses a variation groups product type, make sure to check the variation group checkbox when configuring the site within the Einstein Status Dashboard.
Error deploying feed: Orders. No order feed found.
  • Validate the order feed schedule
  • Validate the order feed
  • Review the specific problem by going to Business Manager > Administration > Operations > Job History (Deprecated) > Filter by Name: CQuotient Order Feed Schedule. The error message can offer additional detail. For additional guidance beyond the error message, submit a Support ticket including the specific error message.

This table shows common errors when a site is deployed to Commerce Cloud Einstein.

Error Message Potential Problem Potential Resolution
No recommendations made. The servedReco activity is not implemented correctly on your site. Ensure that the servedReco activity is implemented correctly on your site.
Unusual ratio of recommendations to product views. There's an unusual ratio of recommendations to product views. Ensure that activities are implemented correctly on the customer site on all pages.
Einstein is unable to view product activities from your site. The viewProduct activity is not implemented correctly on the customer site. Ensure that the viewProduct activity is implemented correctly on the customer site.
Note: To learn more about development solutions to missing viewProduct, see Common Recommendation Validator Errors.
Einstein is unable to view recommendation events from your site. The viewReco activity is not implemented correctly on the customer site. Ensure that the viewReco activity is implemented correctly on the customer site.
Note: To learn more about development solutions to missing viewReco, see Common Recommendation Validator Errors.
Unknown Error. Please contact support. N/A Contact Salesforce Support.
No order feed has been scheduled. This is a requirement for Einstein to run successfully. Please schedule your order feed. Automation cannot run without an order feed scheduled. Schedule an order feed to run.
Notifications pending to read 9