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Salesforce B2C Commerce 24.7 > Commerce Cloud Einstein > Commerce Cloud Einstein Status Dashboard > Commerce Cloud Einstein Self-Service Support
Common Error Messages
Error messages indicate that something is blocking the successful deployment or automation of Commerce Cloud Einstein.
This table shows common errors that occur when deploying a site to Commerce Cloud Einstein.
Error Message | Potential Problem | Potential Resolution |
Error deploying feed: Catalog. |
Error deploying feed: Orders. | No order feed found. |
This table shows common errors when a site is deployed to Commerce Cloud Einstein.
Error Message | Potential Problem | Potential Resolution |
No recommendations made. | The servedReco activity is not implemented correctly on your site. | Ensure that the servedReco activity is implemented correctly on your site. |
Unusual ratio of recommendations to product views. | There's an unusual ratio of recommendations to product views. | Ensure that activities are implemented correctly on the customer site on all pages. |
Einstein is unable to view product activities from your site. | The viewProduct activity is not implemented correctly on the customer site. | Ensure that the viewProduct activity is implemented correctly on the
customer site. Note: To learn more about development solutions to missing
viewProduct, see Common Recommendation Validator Errors.
Einstein is unable to view recommendation events from your site. | The viewReco activity is not implemented correctly on the customer site. | Ensure that the viewReco activity is implemented correctly on the customer
site. Note: To learn more about development solutions to missing viewReco, see
Common Recommendation Validator Errors.
Unknown Error. Please contact support. | N/A | Contact Salesforce Support. |
No order feed has been scheduled. This is a requirement for Einstein to run successfully. Please schedule your order feed. | Automation cannot run without an order feed scheduled. | Schedule an order feed to run. |
Infocenter Retirement: On June 30, 2023, the Infocenter was retired, and documentation currently hosted on the Infocenter will be published to Salesforce Help, Commerce Cloud Developer Center, and Salesforce B2C Commerce Developer Documentation Resources. For more information, see the release note.