Buy X and Y Get Z Promotion

A Buy X and Y Get Z product promotion awards a shopper a free product if their cart contains more than one different qualifying product.

With this promotion type, the same item can't be both qualifying and discounted and can't count multiple times towards the qualifying condition.

For example: buy 1 red item and 1 pair of shoes to get a free widget. If the shopper buys a pair of red shoes, they don't get a free widget even though they bought a product that satisfies the two qualifying groups. A pair of shoes is one product (SKU). The customer must buy two products to qualify, but only a portion of the discounted product combination must be present.

This promotion always uses the most expensive products as the qualifying products.

Note: The Maximum Application applies to the number of combinations that can receive the discount, and not the number of individual products that receive the discount.

For example, run the promotion, Buy 1X and 1Y and get 20% off any two other items.

This is the shopper’s cart:
Product Quantity Cost
X 1 $50.00
Y 1 $30.00
A 1 $20.00
B 1 $15.00
C 1 $10.00

The products receiving the discount depend on the promotion site preference.

If the Buy X/Get Y promotion site preference is set to:
  • Discount the next most expensive products (default): products A and B receive the discount.
  • Discount the least expensive products: products B and C receive the discount.
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