iscomponent Element

Include the output of a pipeline in the page.


  pipeline   = pipeline_name //required
  locale     = locale_name 
  parameterN = valueN       //zero or more
pipeline = pipeline_name

Allowed data type: string or expression.

pipeline_name specifies the name of the pipeline, for example, "Product-Show" as a string or as an expression that resolves to the pipeline name.
Note: SEO URLs can't be included remotely. Use the full syntax for the pipeline.
locale = locale_name

Allowed data type: string or expression.

locale_name specifies an optional locale for the pipeline call.

parameterN = valueN
You can define any number of additional parameters to be used by the pipeline.


This tag is similar to a remote include. However, it uses pipeline-related attributes to specify the content generating target and allows for arbitrary attributes.

Technically, the <iscomponent/> tag performs the same function as a remote include. The use of remote includes, however, might not be obvious. The <iscomponent/> tag, with its direct association to a pipeline, makes its purpose obvious. It's intended to embed reusable functionality, encapsulated in a pipeline, into another template. It also lets the embedded component have a different caching policy than the included page.


<iscomponent pipeline ="Product-Show" productid="1234" name="Wide-screen television" /> 

This example shows the inclusion of a product view on a page using the Product-Show pipeline, with a specified product ID and name.

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