Class ProductShippingLineItem
Represents a specific line item in a shipment. A ProductShippingLineItem defines lineitem-specific shipping costs.
Reserved constant.
this reserved constant is deprecated.
adjustedGrossPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The gross price of the product shipping line item after applying all product-shipping-level adjustments.
adjustedNetPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The net price of the product shipping line item after applying all product-shipping-level adjustments.
adjustedPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The price of the product shipping line item after applying all pproduct-shipping-level adjustments. For net pricing the adjusted net price is returned (see getAdjustedNetPrice()). For gross pricing, the adjusted gross price is returned (see getAdjustedGrossPrice()).
adjustedTax  :  Money  (Read Only)
The tax of the unit after applying adjustments, in the purchase currency.
priceAdjustments  :  Collection  (Read Only)
An iterator of price adjustments that have been applied to this product shipping line item.
productLineItem  :  ProductLineItem  (Read Only)
The parent product line item this shipping line item belongs to.
quantity  :  Quantity
The quantity of the shipping cost.
shipment  :  Shipment  (Read Only)
The shipment this shipping line item belongs to.
surcharge  :  boolean
The 'surcharge' flag.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getAdjustedGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the gross price of the product shipping line item after applying all product-shipping-level adjustments.
getAdjustedNetPrice() : Money
Returns the net price of the product shipping line item after applying all product-shipping-level adjustments.
getAdjustedPrice() : Money
Returns the price of the product shipping line item after applying all pproduct-shipping-level adjustments.
getAdjustedTax() : Money
Returns the tax of the unit after applying adjustments, in the purchase currency.
getPriceAdjustments() : Collection
Returns an iterator of price adjustments that have been applied to this product shipping line item.
getProductLineItem() : ProductLineItem
Returns the parent product line item this shipping line item belongs to.
getQuantity() : Quantity
Returns the quantity of the shipping cost.
getShipment() : Shipment
Returns the shipment this shipping line item belongs to.
isSurcharge() : boolean
Returns the 'surcharge' flag.
setPriceValue(value : Number) : void
Sets price attributes of the line item based on the purchase currency, taxation policy and line item quantity.
The method sets the 'basePrice' attribute of the line item.
setQuantity(quantity : Quantity) : void
Sets the quantity of the shipping cost.
setSurcharge(flag : boolean) : void
Sets the 'surcharge' flag.
Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject
Methods inherited from class PersistentObject
Method Detail
getAdjustedGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the gross price of the product shipping line item after applying all product-shipping-level adjustments.
gross price after applying product-shipping-level adjustments

getAdjustedNetPrice() : Money
Returns the net price of the product shipping line item after applying all product-shipping-level adjustments.
net price after applying product-shipping-level adjustments

getAdjustedPrice() : Money
Returns the price of the product shipping line item after applying all pproduct-shipping-level adjustments. For net pricing the adjusted net price is returned (see getAdjustedNetPrice()). For gross pricing, the adjusted gross price is returned (see getAdjustedGrossPrice()).
Adjusted net or gross price

getAdjustedTax() : Money
Returns the tax of the unit after applying adjustments, in the purchase currency.
the tax of the unit after applying adjustments, in the purchase currency.

getPriceAdjustments() : Collection
Returns an iterator of price adjustments that have been applied to this product shipping line item.
a collection of price adjustments that have been applied to this product shipping line item.

getProductLineItem() : ProductLineItem
Returns the parent product line item this shipping line item belongs to.
the product line item

getQuantity() : Quantity
Returns the quantity of the shipping cost.
the shipping quantity

getShipment() : Shipment
Returns the shipment this shipping line item belongs to.
the shipment

isSurcharge() : boolean
Returns the 'surcharge' flag.
true if this is a surcharge shipping cost, false if fixed shipping cost

setPriceValue(value : Number) : void
Sets price attributes of the line item based on the purchase currency, taxation policy and line item quantity.
The method sets the 'basePrice' attribute of the line item. Additionally, it sets the 'netPrice' attribute of the line item if the current taxation policy is 'net', and the 'grossPrice' attribute, if the current taxation policy is 'gross'. The 'netPrice'/'grossPrice' attributes are set by multiplying the specified price value with the line item quantity.
If null is specified as value, the price attributes are reset to Money.NA.
value - Price value or null

setQuantity(quantity : Quantity) : void
Sets the quantity of the shipping cost.
quantity - the shipping quantity

setSurcharge(flag : boolean) : void
Sets the 'surcharge' flag.
flag - true if this is a surcharge shipping cost, false if this is a fixed shipping cost.