PromotionAssignmentInformation document (Data API 23.2)

Property Type Constraints Description
abtest_id String   If there is only one assignment, and that assignment is an A/B test segment, the id of the A/B test the segment belongs to. Otherwise, empty.
abtest_segment_id String   If there is only one assignment, and that assignment is an A/B test segment, the id of the A/B test segment. Otherwise, empty.
active Boolean   true if the individual assignment or the multiple assignments are currently active.
active_abtest_assignments [PromotionABTestGroupAssignment]   A list of currently active A/B tests this is assigned to.
active_campaign_assignments [PromotionCampaignAssignment]   A list of currently active campaigns this is assigned to.
campaign_id String   If there is only one assignment, and that assignment is a campaign, the id of the campaign. Otherwise, empty.
end_date DateTime   The end date of the container of the assignment (a Campaign or ABTest). If schedule_type is schedule_type : "multiple" or schedule_type : "none", then then result will be null. Also, a null date will also return null.
schedule Schedule   The schedule of the assignment (a Campaign or ABTest). If schedule_type is schedule_type : "multiple" or schedule_type : "none", then then result will be null.
schedule_type Enum {none, campaign, abtest, multiple}   If there is only one active assignment, or no active assignments and one upcoming assignment, this is that type of assignment (schedule_type : "campaign" or schedule_type : "abtest"). If there are no assignments, it will be schedule_type : "none", otherwise, schedule_type : "multiple".
start_date DateTime   The start date of the container of the assignment (a Campaign or ABTest). If schedule_type is schedule_type : "multiple" or schedule_type : "none", then then result will be null. Also, a null date will also return null.
upcoming_abtest_assignments [PromotionABTestGroupAssignment]   A list of upcoming A/B tests this is assigned to.
upcoming_campaign_assignments [PromotionCampaignAssignment]   A list of upcoming campaigns this is assigned to.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.
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