Configure Search Index Language Options

All allowed site locales are indexed by default in B2C Commerce. To reduce indexing times and overall resource consumption, you can exclude locales from indexing that don't have a particular set of data. You can also upload an extra dictionary for more directed and appropriate search results.

Available in: B2C Commerce

Search indexing uses one localizable index for each index type: Product, Spelling, Content, Synonym, and Suggest. Each index contains all localized and non-localized data for all storefront locales. You can exclude individual locales from the indexing process if search isn't required for those locales, which reduces indexing times and overall resource consumption.

For more directed and appropriate search results, you can upload an extra dictionary, for example, the Chinese2 stemmer.

Add locales by selecting site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Locales (with the appropriate permissions).

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Search > Search Indexes > Language Options.
  2. In the Search Suggestion Settings section, set the minimum term length that is required to execute term correction and auto-completion of search suggestions.
    We recommend these settings.
    • For single-byte languages such as English, French, Spanish, German, and the like, configure a minimum term length of 2 or higher to avoid search noise.
    • For double-byte or multi-byte languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and the like, use a minimum term length of 1 or higher.
  3. In the Language Options section:
    1. Select by locale which stemmer is applied to the indexed search terms.
      For example, select the Chinese - algorithmic stemmer for the Chinese locale, and the Chinese - dictionary stemmer for the Chinese (China) locale.
    2. Select which active locales are required to be indexed by checking that locale in the Indexed column.
      By default, all locales are indexed, unless they’re disabled by Commerce Cloud B2C Commerce Support.
    3. Click Apply.
  4. If the Chinese - dictionary stemmer is enabled, you see the Upload Custom Dictionary section, where you can upload an extra dictionary for the Chinese - dictionary stemmer to improve its predefined stemming behavior.

    Every site that uses the Chinese - dictionary stemmer also uses this additional dictionary.

    A custom dictionary file is a simple text file (must be named words-cn-custom-dictionary.dic) containing #dictionary without quotes in the first line, and words that aren’t split during tokenization on each subsequent line.

    The earlier mentioned Chinese stemmer removes the zhi-character "子" at the end of a word, which is used to form a compound word. Though the compound word still has the same meaning as the original noun, it provides less meaningful search results.

    1. Click Choose File.
    2. Select a file and click Open.
    3. Click Upload.
      Upon upload, the old dictionary is overwritten.
  5. In the Manage Custom Dictionary section, you can download and back up the existing dictionary before you upload a new one. You can also clear an uploaded dictionary, after which the original dictionary is used.
  6. Click <<Back to return to the Search Indexes page.
  7. Rebuild the Search Indexes.
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