Register an Apple Pay Domain

Apple Pay for the Web requires that you register all domains on the storefront site.

For example, enter a top-level domain, such as, or a subdomain, such as In this example, if is in the Safari URL bar, then that’s the URL to register for Apple Pay on that site for that shopper. You can also register

Stripe handles all other Apple Pay interactions with the ApplePaySession API in the Safari URL. Before registering the Apple Pay domain, set the alias in the hostname file.

  1. Note: If you're registering the Apple Pay domain from the Salesforce Payments page, skip to step 3.
    From Business Manager, select Merchant Tools > Ordering > Salesforce Payments.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Add Domain.
  4. On the Add a New Domain window, enter a top-level domain, such as or a subdomain such as
  5. To accept the domain, click Add. Or to cancel the action, click Cancel.

    If valid, the domain is listed as the web domain. You can have multiple domains listed.

  6. Select the Payment Processing Status (test or live payment modes) for your instance.
You can replicate the Salesforce Payments configuration for sites from Staging to Production or Development instances to apply the same configuration on those instances. Based on the type of instance, the test or live modes can be different