Historical Reports: Technical

The Business Manager Analytics reports are retired. As of January 1, 2021, the reports are no longer populated.

To access current data with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, use the Reports & Dashboards.

Technical reports provide insight into technical operations data of your storefront such as pipeline performance numbers and page caching characteristics. To reduce the size of pipeline performance reports, only pipeline calls that contribute at least 0.01% to the processing time are listed.

Note: These reports show data collected before March 31, 2019. Data collected after March 31, 2019 is available in Reports & Dashboards.

Pipeline Performance


This report provides an overview of the number of unique pipelines and pipeline calls, and the number of pipelines retrieved from cache, stored in the cache, and not found in the cache. This report provides a snapshot of the most used pipelines and the includes used per request.

This summary reports provides totals on two sets of values:

  • Total Number of Unique Main Request pipelines
  • Total Number of Main Request Calls
  • Retrieved from cache (# and %)
  • Stored in cache (# and %)
  • Not found in cache (# and %)
  • Total Number of Unique Include Pipelines
  • Total Number of Include Calls
  • Retrieved from cache (# and %)
  • Stored in cache (# and %)
  • Not found in cache (# and %)

These are some of the terms used in these reports:

Term Definition
Average cache miss template processing time Average template processing time if the response could not be retrieved from the Webadapter cache. Calculated as Total Template Processing Time divided by number of Cache Store and Cache Dynamic. Time is in milliseconds
Average processing time Average processing time per invocation. The processing time for remote includes includes Queue Wait Time + Template Processing Time + (Sub) Remote Include Time. Time is in milliseconds.
Average queue wait time Average waiting time in the request queue before the request is dispatched to an Appserver or time to find a cache file. The value is usually 0. Time is in milliseconds.
Average remote include time Average time to parse the response and resolve all (Sub) Remote Includes per invocation. Time is in milliseconds.
Average template processing time Average time for executing the named pipeline and generating the response per invocation. Time doesn't include resolving (Sub) Remote Includes. For cached responses, the time to open and read the cache file is used (typically rounded to 0 milliseconds). Time is in milliseconds.
Cache dynamic ratio Percentage when response was created by an Appserver and not marked as cacheable.
Cache hit ratio Percentage when response was retrieved from the Webadapter page cache.
Cache store ratio Percentage when response was created by an Appserver, marked as cacheable and stored in Webadapter page cache.
Client request An HTTP/HTTPS request sent from a user agent (usually a web browser, but might also be robot) to a Salesforce B2C Commerce instance. The client request triggers the execution of a pipeline on the B2C Commerce appserver that uses a template to render the HTML response page.
Client request count Number of analyzed client requests that were sent to the Webadapter. This number doesn't include Remote Includes.
Count Number of invocations in the reporting period.
Load Factor The ratio of consumed processing time for all client requests and remote includes within a time period to the time period. For example, a load factor of 0.2 means that within a day (=86,400,000 ms) 86,400,000 ms * 0.2 = 17,280,000 ms processing time have been consumed. Due to multi-threading, the load factor might be greater than one. It isn't possible to tell how efficient an implementation is merely by looking at the load factor because it doesn't account for the number of client requests or pages.
Percentage remote include count Percentage of all remote includes.
Reporting from Time stamp of analyzed client request with earliest start time.
Reporting to Time stamp of analyzed client request with latest start time.
Total processing time Processing time for all invocations in the reporting period. The processing time for remote includes includes Queue Wait Time + Template Processing Time + (Sub) Remote Include Time. Time is in milliseconds.
Webadapter Proprietary software at web tier that dispatches requests to the appservers, resolves remote includes and caches pipeline responses.

Pipelines and Associated Pipelines of Includes by Processing Time

These statistics show pipelines and their respective includes, and available statistical information. Click the main request pipeline name to view the details. This report only lists pipelines that contribute significantly to the total processing time (pipeline processing time greater than or equal to 0.01percent of the total processing time). This report includes robot traffic.

A main request is an incoming request from the outside world that resolves to a pipeline call. After processing this call, all respective includes of the result page are processed. Data can be created dynamically, read from the page cache, or created and then stored in the cache for later retrieval.

Each included pipeline is listed with an average usage count per main request call, total usage count, cache usage, and total processing time (processing time of this pipeline and all includes that it calls).

Processing time is the time of the request processing that occurs on B2C Commerce. It's measured from the first byte of the request received until the first byte of the request sent. It excludes network overhead and latency during response delivery. The processing time of main requests includes the request processing time and the processing time of all includes.

Main request processing time includes the processing time of the main requests and all includes.

Two separate columns list the pipeline's calculated processing time, excluding the time needed for the include resolution. The processing time listed for includes doesn't contain the time needed to process includes within includes.

Note: Include pipeline indentation shows an approximate include depth. An indented pipeline isn't necessarily an include of the pipeline at a higher level. Pipeline name order is based on pipeline processing time. Information contained within includes about other includes is unavailable.

The grid shows these columns:

  • Pipeline: pipeline name (link)
  • Call count
  • Includes (#)
  • Processing Time (milliseconds)
    • Total
    • % (percentage)
    • Avg
    • < 500
    • < 1000
    • < 3000
    • < 5000
    • < 10000
    • > 10000
    • Total Own
    • Avg Own
    • Caching (retrieved from cache, not found in cache, cache store)

Include Pipeline of Main Request: <Pipeline Name>

This report shows all pipelines of included requests, ordered by call count and the cache utilization as follows:

  • Included pipeline names (unique pipelines, listed in call count order
  • Call Count
  • Usage
  • Processing Time (milliseconds)
    • Total
    • % (percentage)
    • Avg
    • < 25
    • < 50
    • < 100
    • < 300
    • < 500
    • < 1000
    • > 1000
    • Caching (retrieved from cache, not found in cache, cache store)

Pipeline Usage

This report provides an overview of the number of unique pipelines and pipeline calls, the number of pipelines retrieved from cache, stored in cache, and not found in cache. This report provides a snapshot of the most used pipelines.

Pipelines by call count: This shows all the pipelines of main requests, ordered by call count, with an overview of cache usage.

Pipeline Usage (Includes)

This report shows all the pipelines of include requests, ordered by call count, with an overview of cache usage.

Pipelines by call count: This shows all the pipelines of includes, ordered by call count. It also shows the average, minimum, and maximum response times. A short bar summarizes pipeline cache usage.

Pipeline Runtime

These statistics show all the pipelines of main requests, ordered by response time, with an overview of cache usage, as follows:

  • Total Number of Unique Pipelines
  • Total Number of Pipeline Calls
  • Average Response Time
  • Average Processing Time
  • Retrieved from Cache (# and %)
  • Stored in Cache (# and %)
  • Not Found in Cache (# and %)

Pipelines by average response Time

This section shows all the pipelines of main requests, ordered by average response time. They also show the call count, and the minimum and maximum response time. A short bar summarizes pipeline cache usage.

This section shows:

  • Pipeline
  • Call count
  • Response time (min. max, avg)
  • Processing time (min, max, avg): the time spent creating the response by B2C Commerce.
  • Caching: (retrieved from cache, not found in cache, cache store)

These definitions might help you understand this report better:

Term Definition
Response time The time required to create and send a response to the client. It might include network transfer time.
Processing time The time it takes B2C Commerce to create a response.

Pipeline Runtime (Includes)

These statistics show all the pipeline of included requests, ordered by response time, with an overview of cache usage, as follows:

  • Total Number of Unique Pipelines
  • Total Number of Pipeline Calls
  • Average Response Time
  • Retrieved from Cache (# and %)
  • Stored in Cache (# and %)
  • Not Found in Cache (# and %)

Pipelines by Average Response Time

These statistics show all the pipelines of main requests, ordered by average response time. They also show the call count, and the minimum and maximum response time. A short bar summarizes pipeline cache usage, as follows:

  • Pipeline
  • Call count
  • Avg (average)
  • Min (minimum)
  • Max (maximum)
  • Caching: (retrieved from cache, not found in cache, cache store)

Pipeline Runtime Distribution

These statistics show the response time distribution, as follows:

  • Response time range (for example 0ms-499ms and 1,000ms-1,499ms)
  • Count
  • Percentage (%) on a bar

Pipeline Runtime Distribution (Includes)

These statistics show the response time distribution for includes, as follows:

  • Total Number of Unique Pipelines
  • Total Number of Pipeline Calls
  • Average Response Time

A details table lists count and percentage usage by response time range, for example 0ms-499ms and 1,000ms-1,499ms.

Pipeline Server Distribution

These statistics show application server usage for all application servers serving main requests during the specified time period.

Pipeline Server Distribution (Includes)

These statistics shows all pipeline of included requests, ordered by response time, with an overview of cache usage.

Pipeline Errors

These statistics show the response codes of pipeline calls during the specified time period, as follows:

  • Total Number of Unique Error Codes
  • Total Number of Pipeline Errors

This report lists response codes by pipeline, as follows:

  • Pipeline name
  • Count
  • Sum of HTTP response codes (except 200) and error codes of the webtier for pipeline calls. For example, errors include 1, 301, 302 and 410.

Pipelines without errors are not listed.

Using this report, you can quickly identify pipelines that are causing errors.

Pipeline Errors (Includes)

These statistics show the pipeline call errors of includes during the specified time period, as follows:

  • Total Number of Unique Error Codes
  • Total Number of Pipeline Errors

This report lists response codes by pipeline, as follows:

  • Pipeline name
  • Count
  • Sum of HTTP response codes (except 200) and error codes of the webtier for pipeline calls. For example, errors include 1, 301, 302 and 410.

Pipelines without errors are not listed.

Using this report, you can quickly identify pipelines calls of includes that are causing errors. .

Pipeline Performance (Uncached)


This report provides an overview of the number of unique pipelines with at least one uncached pipeline call, the number of uncached pipeline calls, and the number stored in the cache and not found in the cache. This report provides you with a snapshot of your most used pipelines that are uncached, the includes used per request, and the processing time required to serve them.

The following data is tracked:

  • Total number of unique main request pipelines
    • Total number of main request calls
    • Stored in cache
    • Not found in cache
  • Total number of unique include pipelines
    • Total number of include calls
    • Retrieved from cache
    • Stored in cache

Uncached pipelines and associated pipelines of includes by processing Time

This report only lists pipelines with a significant contribution to the total processing time (pipeline processing time greater than or equal to 0.01% of the total processing time).

A main request is an incoming request from the outside world that resolves to a pipeline call. After processing this call, all respective includes of the result page are processed. Data can be created dynamically, read from the page cache, or created and then stored in the cache for later retrieval.

Each included pipeline is listed with an average usage count per main request call, total usage count, cache usage, and total processing time (processing time of this pipeline and all includes that it calls).

Processing time is the time of the request processing that occurs on B2C Commerce. It's measured from the first byte of the request received until the first byte of the request sent. It excludes network overhead and latency during response delivery. The processing time of main requests includes the request processing time and the processing time of all includes.

Main request processing time includes the processing time of the main requests and all includes.

Two separate columns list the pipeline's calculated processing time, excluding the time needed for the include resolution. The processing time listed for includes doesn't contain the time needed to process includes within includes.

Note: Include pipeline indentation shows an approximate include depth. An indented pipeline isn't necessarily an include of the pipeline at a higher level. Pipeline name order is based on pipeline processing time. Information contained within includes about other includes is unavailable.

These statistics show all uncached pipeline calls, including their respective includes and available statistical information. This report includes robot traffic. Click the main request pipeline name to view the details.

The following data is tracked for each main request pipeline:

  • Pipeline (link)
  • Call count
  • Includes
  • Total
  • Average
  • Percentage
  • Processing time (ms)
  • Total own: total processing time for the listed pipeline only.
  • Average own: average processing time for the listed pipeline only.
  • Caching

The first table lists the main pipelines, showing the data for each. Subsequent tables list the included pipelines for each main pipeline, showing the data for each.

OCAPI: Request Performance (Shop API)

This report provides an overview of the number of unique OCAPI resource requests and the number of OCAPI resource. This report provides a snapshot of the most used OCAPI resources. OCAPI request call count These statistics show all OCAPI resources ordered by call count and their performance metrics.

The following data is tracked by version number:

  • OCAPI resource
  • Call count
  • Percentage
  • Response time, average and total
  • Processing time by millisecond range.

OCAPI: Request Performance (Data API)

This report provides an overview of the number of unique OCAPI resource requests and the number of OCAPI resource. This report provides a snapshot of the most used OCAPI resources. OCAPI request call count These statistics show all OCAPI resources ordered by call count and their performance metrics.

The following data tracked by version number:

  • OCAPI resource
  • Call count
  • Percentage
  • Response time, average and total
  • Processing time by millisecond range.
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