Historical Reports: Traffic

The Business Manager Analytics reports are retired. As of January 1, 2021, the reports are no longer populated. To access current data with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, use the Reports & Dashboards.

The Top Pages report provides you with an overview of the number of unique pages accessed, and the total number of page requests.

Top Pages Report

From a business perspective, this report can help you identify which pages are accessed most often, excluding by robots.

This report lists all URLs relative to the pipeline start node. These URLs are not identical to the initial URL sent by the client, because the Commerce Cloud Digital Web Server-log only contains internal URLs. This report doesn't capture search engine optimized URLs, just the original Digital URL.

Note: These URLs reflect real page URLs, including host name and parameter set. The protocol is unified to HTTP. The number of reported pages changed. Previously any request sent to the server was considered a page, even though it was a subrequest, such as an Ajax call. Only real page views are considered. This also means that browsing refinements using Ajax don't create new page views, because the main URLs remain unchanged.

When viewing longer data periods, the old and new URLs appear side-by-side. The report is limited to the 100,000 most recently used entries. This report shows:

  • Total number of unique pages
  • Total number of page requests

Top Pages

This section shows the top pages accessed by customers and provides information on the number of times the pages were hit, as well as the percentage of the total pages accessed. This report excludes robots. It shows:

  • Count
  • Percentage
  • Page

Top Referrers Report

The Top Referrers report provides you with an overview of the number of unique referrers who lead visitors to your store, the total number of requests from referrers, the total number of unique URLs from those referrers, and the total number of requests from referrer URLs. From a business perspective, this report helps you identify the external URLs that generate the most traffic for your store. This report excludes:

  • Internal referrers (inside your own domains)
  • Robots

The report is limited to the 100,000 most recently used entries. This report shows:

  • Total Number of Unique Referrer Hosts
  • Total Number of Requests with Referrer Hosts
  • Total Number of Unique Referrer URLs
  • Total Number of Requests with Referrer URLs

Top Referrers by Host

This section shows the top referrer hosts who led traffic to your store, the number of requests, and the percentage of the total requests, as follows:

  • Referrer host (for example, Google, followed by yahoo)
  • Count (number of requests)
  • Percentage total

Top Referrers by URL

This section shows the top referrer URLs who led traffic to your store, the number of requests, and the percentage of the total requests, as follows:

  • Referrer URL
  • Count
  • Percentage total

Exclude Referrers

You can exclude HTTP Referrers in all Historical Reports. In Business Manager > Administration > Global Preferences > Analytics, list the domain name or domain name pattern of the HTTP referrer you want to exclude. You can specify up to 100 domain names.

Text format:

  • Each domain name must be on a separate line.
  • Up to 100 domain names can be specified.
  • Empty line s and comments lines starting with "#" are permitted.

Top User Agents Report

The Top User Agents report provides you with an overview of the number of unique agents (including all browsers and excluding all known robots), and the total number of requests from agents. From a business perspective, this report helps you identify which browsers are most used by your visitors, and which spiders are crawling your store.

A user agent is the client application used with a particular network protocol. This phrase is most commonly used to refer to entities that access the World Wide Web. Web user agents range from web browsers to search engine crawlers (spiders), as well as screen readers and browsers used by people with disabilities. This report excludes robots, when they are known, and is limited to the 10,000 most recently used entries. These are examples of user agents:

  • Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version
  • Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3
  • Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

The summary section shows:

  • Total Number of Unique Agents
  • Total Number of Agents

Top user Agents

This section shows the number of unique agents (includes all browsers and excludes knows robots), and the total number of requests from agents. It shows the count and percentage used by user name.

Top Robots Report

The Top Robots report provides you with an overview of the number of unique robots (including only known robots), and the total number of requests from robots. From a business perspective, this report helps you identify which robots are crawling your store. This report is limited to the 10,000 most recently used entries. The summary section shows:

  • Total Number of Unique Robots
  • Total Number of Robots Requests

This section shows the same information by:

  • Count
  • Percentage
  • Robot

For example:

  • Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
  • Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)
  • msnbot/2.0b (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)

Top IP Addresses Report

The Top IP Addresses report provides you with an overview of the number of visits from the IP address point of view. To anonymize the listed IP addresses, the last octet is masked on each IP address. The report includes both robots and user clients. It is limited to the 10,000 most recently used entries. The summary section shows:

  • Total Number of Unique IP Addresses
  • Total Request Count from these IP Addresses

Top IP Addresses

This section shows the top IP addresses that sent traffic to your store, the number of requests, and the percentage of the total requests from each IP address, as follows:

  • IP Address
  • Count
  • Percentage

Total Requests Report

The Total Requests report provides you with an overview of the number of requests. From a business perspective, this report can help you track the volume of traffic on your store. The summary section includes requests from both robots and user clients.

Summary by Date

This section shows the number of requests for specific dates. For example, you might notice that the total number of requests was greatest on the 16th.

Summary by Weekday

This section shows the number of requests for each day as distributed over specific days of the week. For example, you might notice that the total number of requests is greater on Sunday than on Monday.

Summary by hour of Day

This section shows the number of requests distributed over specific hours in the day. For example, you might notice that the total number of requests is greater between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (20:00 and 21:00) than 3:00 and 4:00 AM (3:00 and 4:00).

Request Runtime Report

The Request Runtime report provides you with an overview of the average runtime per request. From a business perspective, this report can help you track the response time of your store. This report lists robots and user clients separately, and defines runtime as the time between receiving the request until delivering of the last byte. The summary section shows:

  • Average Request Runtime
  • Requests (total)
  • Average Robot Request Runtime
  • Robot Requests (total)

Summary by Date

This section shows the average run time for specific dates. For example, you might notice that the average run time was longest on the 16th.

Summary by Weekday

This section shows the average run time for each day distributed over specific days of the week. For example, you might notice that the average run time is shorter on Sunday than on Monday.

Summary by hour of Day

This section shows the average run time distributed over specific hours in the day. For example, you might notice that the average run time is longer between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (20:00 and 21:00) than 3:00 and 4:00 AM (3:00 and 4:00).

Total Visits Report

The Total Visits report provides an overview of the number of visits. From a business point of view, this overview will help you track the number of unique visits to your store.

  • Total count of visits listed for robots and user clients.
  • Total visit duration and average visit duration.
  • Visit duration is defined as time from getting the first request until full delivery of the last request for this visit.

The summary view shows:

  • Total Number of Visits
  • Total Number of User Visits
  • Total User Visit Duration (h:m:s)
  • Average User Visit Duration (h:m:s)
  • Total Number of User Requests
  • Total Number of Robot Visits
  • Total Robot Visit Duration (h:m:s)
  • Average Robot Visit Duration (h:m:s)
  • Total Number of Robot Requests

Summary by Date

This section shows the total number of visits for specific dates. For example, you might notice that the total number of visits was the highest on the 16th. The information differentiates user visits and robot visits.

Summary by Weekday

This section shows the total number of visits for each day distributed over specific days of the week. For example, you might notice that the total number of visits is greater on Sunday than on Monday.

Summary by hour of Day

This section shows the number of visits distributed over specific hours in the day. For example, you might notice that the total number of visits is greater between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (20:00 and 21:00) than 3:00 and 4:00 AM (3:00 and 4:00).

Visit Duration Report

The Visit Duration report provides an overview of the average visit duration and the total number of visits. From a business perspective, this report can help you track the average length of time a visitor spends browsing through your store. This list includes user clients only.

Visit duration is the time from getting the first request until full delivery of the last request for this visit.

The summary view shows:

  • Average visit duration, for example, 00:05:26, is about five minutes
  • Total number of visits

Summary by date

The summary by date provides a look at the average visit duration for specific dates. For example, you might notice that the average visit duration was longest on the 16th.

Summary by Weekday

The summary by weekday provides a look at the average visit duration for each day as distributed over specific days of the week. For example, you might notice that the average visit duration is longer on Sundays than on Mondays.

Summary by hour of Day

The hourly overview provides a look at the average visit duration as distributed over specific hours in the day. For example, you might notice that the average visit duration is longer between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (20:00 and 21:00) than 3:00 and 4:00 AM (3:00 and 4:00).

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