(static) Base/Search-Content()
Search-Content : This endpoint is called when a shopper search for something under articles by clicking on the articles tab next to products on Search result page
Type | Description |
middleware |
cache.applyDefaultCache |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
querystringparameter |
q - the query string a shopper is searching for |
querystringparameter |
startingPage - The starting page to display in the case there are multiple pages returned |
category |
non-sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Search-Refinebar()
Search-Refinebar : The endpoint Search-Refinebar render the refinement bar on product list page, PLP (i.e. the search result page and category listing page)
Type | Description |
middleware |
cache.applyDefaultCache |
querystringparameter |
q - The search string (when submit product search) |
querystringparameter |
cgid - category ID (when loading category list page) |
category |
non-sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Search-Show(=)
Search-Show : This endpoint is called when a shopper type a query string in the search box
Name | Type | Description |
middleware |
cache.applyShortPromotionSensitiveCache |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
querystringparameter |
q - query string a shopper is searching for |
querystringparameter |
search-button |
querystringparameter |
lang - default is en_US |
querystringparameter |
cgid - Category ID |
category |
non-sensitive |
= |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Search-ShowAjax()
Search-ShowAjax : This endpoint is called when a shopper click on any of the refinement eg. color, size, categories
Type | Description |
middleware |
cache.applyShortPromotionSensitiveCache |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
querystringparameter |
cgid - Category ID |
querystringparameter |
q - query string a shopper is searching for |
querystringparameter |
prefn1, prefn2 ... prefn(n) - Names of the selected preferences e.g. refinementColor. These will be added to the query parameters only when refinements are selected |
querystringparameter |
prefv1, prefv2 ... prefv(n) - Values of the selected preferences e.g. Blue. These will be added to the query parameters only when refinements are selected |
querystringparameter |
pmin - preference for minimum amount |
querystringparameter |
pmax - preference for maximum amount |
querystringparameter |
page |
querystringparameter |
selectedUrl - The URL generated with the query parameters included |
category |
non-sensitive |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Search-UpdateGrid()
Search-UpdateGrid : This endpoint is called when the shopper changes the "Sort Order" or clicks "More Results" on the Product List page
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
cgid - Category ID |
querystringparameter |
srule - Sort Rule ID |
querystringparameter |
start - Offset of the Page |
querystringparameter |
sz - Number of Products to Show on the List Page |
querystringparameter |
prefn1, prefn2 ... prefn(n) - Names of the selected preferences e.g. refinementColor. These will be added to the query parameters only when refinements are selected |
querystringparameter |
prefv1, prefv2 ... prefv(n) - Values of the selected preferences e.g. Blue. These will be added to the query parameters only when refinements are selected |
querystringparameter |
selectedUrl - The URL generated with the query parameters included |
category |
non-sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |