Configure Variation Attributes for Image Assignment by Catalog

Salesforce B2C Commerce's catalog image settings support multiple variation attributes. The settings enable you to specify images for combinations of variation attributes, for example color (red, green, blue) and fabric (leather, textile) for all new products.

When you configure global catalog image settings, the nodes you specify appear automatically in a hierarchical structure. For example, you specify color at the catalog level. When you create a new product and add an image, you see a base product node, and subnodes for the colors.

  1. Select site > Products and Catalogs > Catalogs > catalog > Edit > Image Settings tab.
  2. Specify the following:
    Option Description
    Image Location Specify Internal or External. For Internal, specify the base path, for example, /your/special/images/, which points to a special folder within the catalog image directory. The initial Base Path ("/") points to the root folder of the catalog image directory. For External, specify the Http URL (required) and the Https URL.
    View Types Enter the view type names. The defaults are large, medium, small, and swatch. To add a view type, click Add View Type. Provide a value, and click Apply. To remove a view type, clear a view type field, and click Apply. View types must be unique per catalog.
    Variation Attribute ID Enter a variation attribute ID. When you add an ID, the attribute is used as a default grouping in the Image Manager window. For example, enter color, and the first level of the tree now contains the color values that are available for the product in the Image Manager window. Assign the attribute IDs used here to the variation base product.
    Default Image Alt Enter the default alternative image text. Enter ${productname}, ${variation value}, ${viewtype}.
    Default Image Title Enter the default image title. Enter ${productname}, ${variationvalue}.
  3. To save your changes, click Apply.