
Name Description
ABTest Object representing an AB-test in Commerce Cloud Digital.
ABTestMgr Manager class used to access AB-test information in the storefront.
ABTestSegment Object representing an AB-test segment in the Commerce Cloud Digital.
AmountDiscount Represents an amount-off discount in the discount plan, for example "$10 off all orders $100 or more".
ApproachingDiscount Transient class representing a discount that a LineItemCtnr "almost" qualifies for based on the amount of merchandise in it.
BonusChoiceDiscount Represents a choice of bonus products discount in the discount plan, for example "Choose 3 DVDs from a list of 20 options with your purchase of any DVD player."
BonusDiscount Represents a bonus discount in the discount plan, for example "Get a free DVD with your purchase of any DVD player."
Campaign A Campaign is a set of experiences (or site configurations) which may be deployed as a single unit for a given time frame.
CampaignMgr CampaignMgr provides static methods for managing campaign-specific operations such as accessing promotions or updating promotion line items.Deprecated:Use PromotionMgr instead.
CampaignStatusCodes Deprecated.
Coupon Represents a coupon in Commerce Cloud Digital.
CouponMgr Manager to access coupons.
CouponRedemption Represents a redeemed coupon.
CouponStatusCodes Helper class containing status codes for why a coupon code cannot be added to cart or why a coupon code already in cart is not longer valid for redemption.
Discount Superclass of all specific discount classes.
DiscountPlan DiscountPlan represents a set of Discounts.
FixedPriceDiscount Represents a fix price discount in the discount plan, for example "Shipping only 0.99 all orders $25 or more."
FixedPriceShippingDiscount Represents a fixed price shipping discount in the discount plan, for example "Shipping only 0.99 for iPods."
FreeDiscount Represents a free discount in the discount plan, for example "Free shipping on all orders $25 or more."
FreeShippingDiscount Represents a free shipping discount in the discount plan, for example "Free shipping on all iPods."
PercentageDiscount Represents a percentage-off discount in the discount plan, for example "10% off all T-Shirts".
PercentageOptionDiscount Represents a percentage-off options discount in the discount plan, for example "50% off monogramming on shirts".
PriceBookPriceDiscount Discount representing that a product's price has been calculated from a separate sales price book other than the standard price book assigned to the site.
Promotion This class represents a promotion in Commerce Cloud Digital.
PromotionMgr PromotionMgr is used to access campaigns and promotion definitions, display active or upcoming promotions in a storefront, and to calculate and apply promotional discounts to line item containers.
PromotionPlan PromotionPlan represents a set of Promotion instances and is used to display active or upcoming promotions on storefront pages, or to pass it to the PromotionMgr to calculate a DiscountPlan and subsequently apply discounts to a line item container.
SlotContent Represents content for a slot.
SourceCodeGroup A source code group defines a collection of source codes.
SourceCodeInfo Class representing a code (i.e.
SourceCodeStatusCodes Helper class which contains error result codes returned by the SetSourceCode pipelet.
TotalFixedPriceDiscount Represents a total fix price discount on a group of products in the discount plan.