Historical Reports: Purchase

The Business Manager Analytics reports are retired. As of January 1, 2021, the reports are no longer populated. To access current data with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, use the Reports & Dashboards.

These reports include data on the orders and revenue, average revenue, average order, ordered products, and gift certificates.

Orders and Revenues Report

The Orders and Revenue report provides you with an overview of the number of orders and the gross order revenue (in the store currency). The orders and revenue overview can help you track your profitability.

An order is reported when it actually takes place and matches the order creation time reported in the Business Manager. The reported time for a visit is the start time of that visit. When dealing with any type of conversion, it's only taken into account that a visit had one or more orders. This is important to know because a visit might have started on the 5th day of the month, but the order took place after midnight on the 6th. The order is reported for the 6th, while the visit and the conversation are reported for the 5th.

When the Order Report is run for a single day, orders started prior to midnight and checked out the following day will not appear as converted orders. The report will contain orders related to visits started the previous day.

Run the Order Report for a longer time period for more accurate and consolidated data. The sum of all daily reports of a week will not match the data the weekly report lists. The weekly report is more accurate because it can connect orders and visits that got disconnected due to the fact that a visit spanned two or more days. The summary data is as follows:

  • Orders
  • Revenue (currency)
  • Merchandise Total
  • Shipping
  • Taxable Total
  • Taxes

  • Order Total
  • Total Merchandise Discounts
  • Total Shipping Discounts

Summary by Date

The summary by date section shows you the total number of orders and revenue for specific dates. For example, you might notice that the total number of orders and revenue was greatest on the 16th. The data appears by orders and total order.

Summary by Weekday

The summary by weekday section shows you the number of orders and revenue distributed over specific days of the week. For example, you might notice that the average number of new buyers is greater on Sunday than on Monday. The values that appear are an average for each day of the week. The data is by averaged orders and averaged order total. This section also shows:

  • Weekday
  • Averaged orders
  • Averaged merchandise total
  • Total orders
  • Merchandise total

Summary by Hours of Day

The hourly overview shows you the number of orders and revenue distributed over specific hours in the day. For example, you might notice that the number of orders and revenue is greater between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (20:00 and 21:00) than 3:00 and 4:00 AM (3:00 and 4:00). This data is by:

  • Hour of day
  • Total orders
  • Merchandise total

Average Revenues Report

The Average Revenues report provides you with an overview of the average revenue per order and the average revenue per visit. From a business perspective, these numbers will give you a good overview of important parameters for the success of your store, as follows:

Term Definition
Average revenue per order Total revenue divided by total number of orders.
Average revenue per visit Total revenue divided by total number of visits.

The summary view shows:

  • Total Number of Visits
  • Total Number of Orders
  • Total Merchandise
  • Total Merchandise after Discounts
  • Total Shipping
  • Total Shipping after Discounts
  • Average Merchandise per Order
  • Average Merchandise per Order after Discounts
  • Average Merchandise per Visit
  • Average Merchandise per Visit after Discounts
  • Average Shipping per Order
  • Average Shipping per Order after Discounts

Summary by Date

This section shows you the average revenue per order and per visit for specific dates. For example, you might notice that the average revenue per order was greatest on the 16th. This section shows:

  • Average revenue per order
  • Average revenue per visit

You can view data on the following, by date:

  • Average Discounted Merchandise per Order
  • Average Discounted Merchandise per Visit
  • Total Discounted Merchandise
  • Visits
  • Orders

Summary by Weekday

This section shows the average revenue per order and per visit as they are distributed over specific days of the week. For example, you might notice that the average revenue per order is greater on Sunday than on Monday. This section shows the same information as Summary by Date, by weekday.

Summary by hour of Day

This section shows the average revenue per order and per visit as they are distributed over specific hours in the day. For example, you might notice that the average revenue per order is greater between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (20:00 and 21:00) than 3:00 and 4:00 AM (3:00 and 4:00). This section shows the same information as Summary by Date, by hour of day.

Average Orders Report

The Average Orders report provides an overview of the average number of orders per visit and per shopping cart. From a business perspective, these numbers can provide you with a good measure of the overall success of your store.

Data Definition
Average orders per visit Total number of orders divided by total number of visits.
Average orders per shopping cart Total number of orders divided by total number of shopping carts.

The summary view shows:

  • Average Orders per Visit
  • Average Orders per Cart
  • Total Number of Visits
  • Total Number of Carts
  • Total Number of Orders

Summary by Date

This section shows you the average number of orders per visit and per shopping cart for specific dates. For example, you might notice that the average number of orders was greatest on the 16th. This view shows:

  • Date
  • Average Orders per Visit
  • Average Orders per Cart
  • Visits
  • Carts
  • Orders

Summary by Weekday

This section shows you the average number of orders per visit and per shopping cart distributed over specific days of the week. For example, you might notice that the average number of orders is greater on Sunday than on Monday. This view shows the same information as Summary by Date, by weekday.

Summary by hour of Day

This section shows you the average number of orders per visit and per shopping cart distributed over specific hours in the day. For example, you might notice that the average number of orders is greater between 8:00 and 9:00 PM (20:00 and 21:00) than 3:00 and 4:00 AM (3:00 and 4:00). This view shows the same information as Summary by Date, by hour of day.

Ordered Products Report

The Ordered Products report provides you with an overview of the number of products sold, total quantity sold, and the total revenue of products sold. This report also provides you with a detailed view of the top products sold by quantity and revenue. From a business perspective, this report identifies a list of revenue drivers for your store.

The summary view shows:

  • Unique Products Sold
  • Total Quantity Sold
  • Total Discounted Merchandise

Summary by Quantity

This section shows you the top products sold, along with product information, as follows:

  • Product names
  • SKU
  • Manufacturer
  • Average Price
  • Quantity

Summary by Revenue

This section shows you the top products sold, along with product information, as follows:

  • Product names
  • SKU
  • Manufacturer
  • Revenue
  • Quantity
  • Average Price

Gift Certificates Report

The Gift Certificates report lists important information about purchased and redeemed gift certificates for the current time period. The summary view shows:

  • Total Gift Certificates Purchased
  • Total Value of Purchased Gift Certificates
  • Total Gift Certificate Redemptions
  • Total Value of Gift Certificate Redemptions
  • Average Value of a Purchased Gift Certificate
  • Gift Certificates Values Purchased

This report shows the distribution of the amount of purchased gift certificates over certain value ranges, as follows:

  • 0.00 USD - 10.00 USD
  • 10.01 USD - 25.00 USD
  • 25.01 USD - 50.00 USD
  • 50.01 USD - 100.00 USD
  • 100.01 USD - 250.00 USD
  • 250.01 USD - 500.00 USD
  • 500.01 USD - 1,000.00 USD
  • 1,000.01 USD
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