Deploy a Test Segment

When you’ve identified a slot configuration, promotion, or sorting rule that produces desired results, you can deploy the experience directly to your application using a campaign.

Make sure you deploy the experience on a Staging instance and not on Production, so that a subsequent replication causes this change to appear on production.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > A/B Tests.
  2. On the A/B testing list page, click the tool icon to the left of a test and select View Test Results from the menu.
  3. You can also open the A/B test first and then click Test Results. Double-click an A/B test.
  4. On the A/B test details page, click the Test Results button.
  5. On the A/B test Results page, identify the test segment that produces the best results.
  6. Click the Deploy icon (on the bottom of the page).
  7. On the A/B test Group Deployment window, select Deploy To.
    • New Campaign
    • Existing Campaign
  8. Click New Campaign.
    1. On the A/B test Group Deployment window, configure the following:
      • ID
      • Enabled (Yes, No)
      • Description
      • Schedule
      • Customer Groups
      • Source Codes
      • Coupons
    2. Click Apply.
  9. Click Existing Campaigns.
    1. On the A/B test Group Deployment window, click Edit beside Select Campaigns.
    2. On the Assign Campaigns window, select the campaigns.
    3. Click Apply.
    4. On the A/B test Group Deployment window, where the selected campaigns now appear, click Apply.
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