All Classes

Name Description
global The global object is a pre-defined object that serves as a placeholder for the global properties and functions of JavaScript.
AbstractItem An item which references, or in other words is based upon, an OrderItem.
AbstractItemCtnr Basis for item-based objects stemming from a single Order, with these common properties (Invoice is used as an example): The object has been created from an Order accessible using getOrder()Contains a collection of items, each item related to exactly one OrderItem which in turn represents an extension to one of the order ProductLineItem or one ShippingLineItem.
ABTest Object representing an AB-test in Commerce Cloud Digital.
ABTestMgr Manager class used to access AB-test information in the storefront.
ABTestSegment Object representing an AB-test segment in the Commerce Cloud Digital.
ActiveData Represents the active data for an object in Commerce Cloud Digital.
AddressBook Represents a set of addresses associated with a specific customer.
AgentUserMgr Provides helper methods for handling agent user functionality (login and logout) Pay attention to appropriate legal and regulatory requirements related to this functionality.
AgentUserStatusCodes AgentUserStatusCodes contains constants representing status codes that can be used with a Status object to indicate the success or failure of the agent user login process.Deprecated:see AgentUserStatusCodes - this class should only be used for the LoginAgentUser / LoginOnBehalfCustomer pipeletsSee Also:Status
AgentUserStatusCodes AgentUserStatusCodes contains constants representing status codes that can be used with a Status object to indicate the success or failure of the agent user login process.
Alert This class represents a single system alert to be shown to a Business Manager user.
Alerts Allow creation, removal, re-validation and retrieval of alerts that might get visible to Business Manager users.The alerts have to be registered by the 'alerts.json' descriptor file in a cartridge assigned to the Business Manager site.
AmountDiscount Represents an amount-off discount in the discount plan, for example "$10 off all orders $100 or more".
APIException This error indicates an exceptional outcome of some business logic.
Appeasement The Appeasement represents a shopper request for an order credit.
AppeasementItem Represents an item of an Appeasement which is associated with one OrderItem usually representing an Order ProductLineItem.
ApplePayHookResult Result of a hook handling an Apple Pay request.
ApplePayHooks ApplePayHooks interface containing extension points for customizing Apple Pay.
ApproachingDiscount Transient class representing a discount that a LineItemCtnr "almost" qualifies for based on the amount of merchandise in it.
arguments The arguments of a function.See Also:Function
Array An Array of items.
ArrayBuffer The ArrayBuffer represents a generic array of bytes with fixed length.
ArrayList The ArrayList class is a container for a list of objects.
AspectAttributeValidationException This APIException is thrown by method PageMgr.renderPage(String, Map, String) and PageMgr.serializePage(String, Map, String) to indicate that the passed aspect attributes failed during validation against the definition provided through the aspect type of the page.
Assert The Assert class provides utility methods for assertion events.
AuthenticationStatus Holds the status of an authentication process.
Basket The Basket class represents a shopping cart.
BasketMgr Provides static helper methods for managing baskets.
BigInt A BigInt object is a wrapper for a primitive bigint value.
BigInteger The Integer class is a helper class to represent an arbitrary long integer number.
BonusChoiceDiscount Represents a choice of bonus products discount in the discount plan, for example "Choose 3 DVDs from a list of 20 options with your purchase of any DVD player."
BonusDiscount Represents a bonus discount in the discount plan, for example "Get a free DVD with your purchase of any DVD player."
BonusDiscountLineItem Line item representing an applied BonusChoiceDiscount in a LineItemCtnr.
Boolean Provides support for boolean values.
BrandSuggestions The brands suggestion container provides access to brands found using the suggested terms.
Bytes A simple immutable class representing an array of bytes, used for working with binary data in a scripting context.
Cache The Cache class represents a custom cache.
CacheMgr The CacheMgr class is the entry point for using custom caches.
CalculateHooks This interface represents all script hooks that can be registered to customize the order and basket calculation functionality.
Calendar Represents a Calendar and is based on the java.util.Calendar class.
Campaign A Campaign is a set of experiences (or site configurations) which may be deployed as a single unit for a given time frame.
CampaignMgr CampaignMgr provides static methods for managing campaign-specific operations such as accessing promotions or updating promotion line items.Deprecated:Use PromotionMgr instead.
CampaignStatusCodes Deprecated.
Catalog Represents a Commerce Cloud Digital Catalog.
CatalogMgr Provides helper methods for getting categories.
Category Represents a category in a product catalog.
CategoryAssignment Represents a category assignment in Commerce Cloud Digital.
CategoryLink A CategoryLink represents a directed relationship between two catalog categories.
CategorySuggestions The category suggestion container provides access to categories found using the suggested terms as search criteria.
CertificateRef This class is used as a reference to a certificate in the keystore which can be managed in the Business Manager.
Cipher This class allows access to encryption services offered through the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA).
ClickStream Represents the click stream in the session.
ClickStreamEntry Represent an entry in the click stream.
CMSRecord This class represents a Salesforce CMS record, exposing its: id, see getID()type, see getType()attributes, see getAttributes() The attributes are key value pairs: the key being the attribute id as given in the type.attribute_definitions entriesthe value being a DWScript API object resolved from the raw attribute value based on the attribute type as given in the type.attribute_definitions entries (similar to how ComponentScriptContext.getContent() exposes the raw attribute value of a Component.getAttribute(String) in shape of a DWScript API object based on the attribute type)
Collection Represents a collection of objects.
Component This class represents a page designer managed component as part of a page.
ComponentRenderSettings A config that drives how the component is rendered.
ComponentScriptContext This is the context that is handed over to the render and serialize function of the respective component type script.
Content Class representing a Content asset in Commerce Cloud Digital.
ContentMgr Provides helper methods for getting content assets, library folders and the content library of the current site.
ContentSearchModel The class is the central interface to a content search result and a content search refinement.
ContentSearchRefinementDefinition This class provides an interface to refinement options for content search.
ContentSearchRefinements This class provides an interface to refinement options for the content asset search.
ContentSearchRefinementValue Represents the value of a content search refinement.
ContentSuggestions The content suggestion container provides access to content pages found using the suggested terms as search criteria.
ConversionError Represents a conversion error.API Versioned: No longer available as of version 21.2.
Cookie Represents an HTTP cookie used for storing information on a client browser.
Cookies The class provides an index and associative array like access to the Cookies of the current request.
Coupon Represents a coupon in Commerce Cloud Digital.
CouponLineItem The CouponLineItem class is used to store redeemed coupons in the Basket.
CouponMgr Manager to access coupons.
CouponRedemption Represents a redeemed coupon.
CouponStatusCodes Helper class containing status codes for why a coupon code cannot be added to cart or why a coupon code already in cart is not longer valid for redemption.
CreateAgentBasketLimitExceededException This exception is thrown by BasketMgr.createAgentBasket() to indicate that the open agent basket limit for the current session customer is already reached, and therefore no new agent basket could be created.
CreateBasketFromOrderException This APIException is thrown by method BasketMgr.createBasketFromOrder(Order) to indicate no Basket could be created from the Order.
CreateCouponLineItemException This exception could be thrown by LineItemCtnr.createCouponLineItem(String, Boolean) when the provided coupon code is invalid.
CreateOrderException This APIException is thrown by method OrderMgr.createOrder(Basket, String) to indicate no Order could be created from the Basket.
CreateTemporaryBasketLimitExceededException This exception is thrown by BasketMgr.createTemporaryBasket() to indicate that the open temporary basket limit for the current session customer is already reached, and therefore no new temporary basket could be created.
Credentials Represents the credentials of a customer.
CSRFProtection Used to generate and validate CSRF tokens.
CSVStreamReader The class supports reading a CSV file.
CSVStreamWriter The class writes a CSV file.
Currency Represents a currency supported by the system.
CustomAttributes This class is used together with other classes that contain custom attributes and is used to read and write these attributes.
CustomEditor This class represents a custom editor for component attributes of type custom.
CustomEditorResources This class represents the resources of a custom editor, i.e.
Customer Represents a customer.
CustomerActiveData Represents the active data for a Customer in Commerce Cloud Digital.
CustomerAddress The Address class represents a customer's address.
CustomerCDPData Represents the read-only Customer's Salesforce CDP (Customer Data Platform) data for a Customer in Commerce Cloud.
CustomerContextMgr Provides helper methods for managing customer context, such as the Effective Time for which the customer is shopping at
CustomerGroup CustomerGroups provide a means to segment customers by various criteria.
CustomerList Object representing the collection of customers who are registered for a given site.
CustomerMgr Provides helper methods for managing customers and customer profiles.
CustomerPasswordConstraints Provides access to the constraints of customer passwords.
CustomerPaymentInstrument Represents any payment instrument stored in the customers profile, such as credit card or bank transfer.
CustomerStatusCodes CustomerStatusCodes contains constants representing status codes that can be used with a Status object to indicate the success or failure of an operation.See Also:Status
CustomObject Represents a custom object and its corresponding attributes.
CustomObjectMgr Manager class which provides methods for creating, retrieving, deleting, and searching for custom objects.
CustomSuggestions The custom suggestion container provides access to merchant provided search phrases found using the suggested terms as search criteria.
DataView The DataView provides low level access to ArrayBuffer.API Versioned: From version 21.2.
Date A Date object contains a number indicating a particular instant in time to within a millisecond.
DateUtils A class with several utility methods for Date objects.Deprecated:See each method for additional information.
Decimal The Decimal class is a helper class to perform decimal arithmetic in scripts and to represent a decimal number with arbitray length.
Discount Superclass of all specific discount classes.
DiscountPlan DiscountPlan represents a set of Discounts.
Encoding Utility class which handles several common character encodings.
EncryptedObject Defines a API base class for classes containing encrypted attributes like credit cards.
EnumValue The class represents a single value for an Enumeration type.
Error Error represents a generic exception.
ES6Iterator This isn't a built-in type.
EvalError Represents an evaluation error.
Extensible Base class alternative to ExtensibleObject for objects customizable through the metadata system.
ExtensibleObject Base class for all persistent business objects in Commerce Cloud Digital that are customizable through the metadata system.
ExternalProfile Represents the credentials of a customer.
FacebookFeedHooks FacebookFeedHooks interface containing extension points for customizing Facebook export feeds.
FacebookProduct Represents a row in the Facebook catalog feed export.
Fault This error indicates an RPC related error in the system.
File Represents a file resource accessible from scripting.
FileReader File reader class.
FileWriter Convenience class for writing character files.
FilteringCollection FilteringCollection is an extension of Collection which provides possibilities to filter the elements to return a new FilteringCollection with a filtered set of elementssort the elements to return a new FilteringCollection with a defined sort ordertransform the elements to return a new FilteringCollection containing related elementsprovide a map of the elements against a predefined keyUsage - In the current version each FilteringCollection provides a set of predefined qualifier constants which can be passed into the select(Object) method used to filter the elements.
FixedPriceDiscount Represents a fix price discount in the discount plan, for example "Shipping only 0.99 all orders $25 or more."
FixedPriceShippingDiscount Represents a fixed price shipping discount in the discount plan, for example "Shipping only 0.99 for iPods."
Float32Array An optimized array to store 32-bit floating point numbers.
Float64Array An optimized array to store 64-bit floating point numbers.
FocalPoint This class represents an image focal point.See Also:Image
Folder Class representing a folder for organizing content assets in Commerce Cloud Digital.
Form The class is the top level element in the form instance hierachy.
FormAction The FormAction class represents the action in form instance hierarchy.
FormElement Represents a form element.
FormElementValidationResult Represents a form element validation result.
FormField Represents a field in a form.
FormFieldOption Represents an option for a form field.
FormFieldOptions The class represents the list of options for a field.
FormGroup The class is the central class within the whole form handling.
FormList Represents a list of forms.
FormListItem Represents an item in a form list.
Forms The Forms object provides access to all current forms in the session.
FreeDiscount Represents a free discount in the discount plan, for example "Free shipping on all orders $25 or more."
FreeShippingDiscount Represents a free shipping discount in the discount plan, for example "Free shipping on all iPods."
FTPClient The FTPClient class supports the FTP commands CD, GET, PUT, DEL, MKDIR, RENAME, and LIST.
FTPFileInfo The class is used to store information about a remote file.
FTPService Represents an FTP or SFTP Service.
FTPServiceDefinition Represents an FTP or SFTP Service Definition.
Function The Function class represent a JavaScript function.
Generator A generator is a special type of function that works as a factory for iterators and it allows you to define an iterative algorithm by writing a single function which can maintain its own state.
Geolocation Read-only class representing a position on the earth (latitude and longitude) and information associated with that location (e.g.
GiftCertificate Represents a Gift Certificate that can be used to purchase products.
GiftCertificateLineItem Represents a Gift Certificate line item in the cart.
GiftCertificateMgr The GiftCertificateMgr class contains a set of static methods for interacting with GiftCertificates.
GiftCertificateStatusCodes Helper class containing status codes for the various errors that can occur when redeeming a gift certificate.
HashMap Represents a hash map of objects.
HashSet Represents a HashSet
HookMgr This class provides functionality to call hooks.
HTTPClient The HTTPClient class supports the HTTP methods GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS, and DELETE.
HTTPFormService Represents an HTTP Form POST Service.
HTTPFormServiceDefinition Represents an HTTP Form POST Service Definition.API Versioned: No longer available as of version 19.10.
HttpParameter Represents an HTTP parameter.
HttpParameterMap A map of HTTP parameters.
HTTPRequestPart This represents a part in a multi-part HTTP POST request.
HTTPService Represents an HTTP Service.
HTTPServiceDefinition Represents an HTTP Service Definition.
Image This class represents an image with additional configuration capabilities (e.g.
ImageMetaData This class represents the image meta data, e.g.
InputStream The class represent a stream of bytes that can be read from the application.
Int16Array An optimized array to store 16-bit signed integer numbers.
Int32Array An optimized array to store 32-bit signed integer numbers.
Int8Array An optimized array to store 8-bit signed integer numbers.
InternalError Represents the an internal error.
InternalObject Class used to wrap internal objects to hide them from B2C Commerce Script code.
Invoice The Invoice can be a debit or credit invoice, and is created from custom scripts using one of the methods ShippingOrder.createInvoice(String), Appeasement.createInvoice(String), ReturnCase.createInvoice(String) or Return.createInvoice(String).
InvoiceItem Represents a specific item in an Invoice.
IOError This error indicates an I/O related error in the system.
ISML This class provides support for rendering ISML templates.
Iterable All objects containing the property @@iterator with a function returning an ES6Iterator are said to be an Iterable.API Versioned: From version 21.2.
Iterator An Iterator is a special object that lets you access items from a collection one at a time, while keeping track of its current position within that sequence.
Iterator The Iterator class allows you to access items in a collection.
JobExecution Represents an execution of a job.
JobProcessMonitor Reserved for future use.
JobStepExecution Represents an execution of a step that belongs to a job.
JSON The JSON object is a single object that contains two functions, parse and stringify, that are used to parse and construct JSON texts.
KeyRef This class is used as a reference to a private key in the keystore which can be managed in the Business Manager.
Library Class representing a collection of Content assets, and a Folder hierarchy organizing these content assets.
LineItem Common line item base class.
LineItemCtnr A container for line items, such as ProductLineItems, CouponLineItems, GiftCertificateLineItems.
LinkedHashMap This class implements a HashMap, which guarantees a iteration order according the put-order of the elements in the map.
LinkedHashSet The class LinkedHashSet implements a hash set with a guaranteed iteration order.
List An ordered collection of objects.
Locale Represents a Locale supported by the system.
LocalServiceRegistry The LocalServiceRegistry is responsible for managing Service instances.
Log A log4j like logger instance.
Logger The Logger class provides logging utility methods.
LogNDC A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources.
LoopIterator Iterator used in implementation.
Mac This class provides the functionality of a "Message Authentication Code" (MAC) algorithm.
Mail This class is used to send an email with either plain text or MimeEncodedText content.
Map Map objects are collections of key/value pairs where both the keys and values may be arbitrary ECMAScript language values.
Map Represents a Map of objects.
MapEntry The class represent an entry within a Map.
MappingKey Encapsulates the key for a mapping read in with the ImportKeyValueMapping job step.
MappingMgr Used to manage and interface with mappings loaded into the system via the ImportKeyValueMapping job step.
MarkupText The class represents a content snippet with markup.
Math Mathematical functions and constants.
MediaFile This class represents references to media content (such as images) located within Commerce Cloud Digital or on external systems.
MessageDigest This class provides the functionality of a message digest algorithm, such as MD5 or SHA.
MimeEncodedText Container for an arbitrary text string its mime type, and encoding
Module CommonJS modules are JavaScript files that are loaded using the require(String) function.
Money Represents money in Commerce Cloud Digital.
Namespace Namespace objects represent XML namespaces and provide an association between a namespace prefix and a Unique Resource Identifier (URI).
Note Represents a note that can be attached to any persistent object that supports this feature.
Number A Number object represents any numerical value, whether it is an integer or floating-point number.
OAuthAccessTokenResponse Contains OAuth-related artifacts from the HTTP response from the third-party OAuth server when requesting an access token
OAuthFinalizedResponse Contains the combined responses from the third-party OAuth server when finalizing the authentication.
OAuthLoginFlowMgr The OAuthLoginFlowMgr encapsulates interactions with third party OAuth providers to support the Authorization Code Flow.
OAuthUserInfoResponse Contains the response from the third-party OAuth server when requesting user info.
Object The Object object is the foundation of all native JavaScript objects.
ObjectAttributeDefinition Represents the definition of an object's attribute.
ObjectAttributeGroup Represents a group of object attributes.
ObjectAttributeValueDefinition Represents the value definition associated with an object attribute.
ObjectTypeDefinition The class provides access to the meta data of a system object or custom object.
Order The Order class represents an order.
OrderAddress The Address class represents a customer's address.
OrderHistory The class provides access to past orders of the customer.
OrderHooks This interface represents all script hooks that can be registered to customize the order logic.
OrderItem Defines extensions to ProductLineItems and ShippingLineItems belonging to an order.
OrderMgr Provides static helper methods for managing orders.
OrderPaymentInstrument Represents any payment instrument used to pay orders, such as credit card or bank transfer.
OrderProcessStatusCodes Contains constants representing different status codes for interacting with an order, such as cancelling or editing an order.
OrganizationPreferences OrganizationPreferences is a container for custom global (i.e.
OutputStream The class represent a stream of bytes that can be written from the application.
Page This class represents a page designer managed page.
PageMetaData Contains meta data about the page.
PageMetaTag Page meta tags are used in HTML documents to provide structured data about a web page.
PageMgr Provides functionality for getting, rendering and serializing page designer managed pages.
PageScriptContext This is the context that is handed over to the render and serialize function of the respective page type script.
PagingModel A page model is a helper class to apply a pages to a collection of elements or an iterator of elements and supports creating URLs for continued paging through the elements.
PaymentApiHooks PaymentApiHooks interface containing extension points for customizing Payment API requests for authorization, and their responses.
PaymentCard Represents payment cards and provides methods to access the payment card attributes and status.
PaymentHooks This interface represents all script hooks that can be registered to customize the order center payment functionality.
PaymentInstrument Base class for payment instrument either stored in the customers profile or related to an order.
PaymentMethod The PaymentMethod class represents a logical type of payment a customer can make in the storefront.
PaymentMgr PaymentMgr is used to access payment methods and payment cards of the current site.
PaymentProcessor A PaymentProcessor represents an entity that processes payments of one or more types.
PaymentRequestHookResult Result of a hook handling a Payment Request request
PaymentRequestHooks PaymentRequestHooks interface containing extension points for customizing Payment Requests.
PaymentStatusCodes Helper class containing status codes for the various errors that can occur when validating a payment card.
PaymentTransaction The PaymentTransaction class represents a payment transaction.
PercentageDiscount Represents a percentage-off discount in the discount plan, for example "10% off all T-Shirts".
PercentageOptionDiscount Represents a percentage-off options discount in the discount plan, for example "50% off monogramming on shirts".
PersistentObject Common base class for all objects in Commerce Cloud Digital that have an identity and can be stored and retrieved.
PinterestAvailability Represents a row in the Pinterest availability feed export file.
PinterestFeedHooks PinterestFeedHooks interface containing extension points for customizing Pinterest export feeds.
PinterestOrder An order that was placed through Pinterest.
PinterestOrderHooks PinterestOrderHooks interface containing extension points for customizing Pinterest order status.
PinterestProduct Represents a row in the Pinterest catalog feed export.
Pipeline A helper for executing pipelines from JavaScript.
PipelineDictionary The class provides access to the values in the pipeline dictionary.
Port This class represents a port to a Service Endpoint Interface.
PriceAdjustment The PriceAdjustment class represents an adjustment to the price of an order.
PriceAdjustmentLimitTypes Helper class containing price adjustment limit types.
PriceBook Represents a price book.
PriceBookMgr Price book manager provides methods to access price books.
PriceBookPriceDiscount Discount representing that a product's price has been calculated from a separate sales price book other than the standard price book assigned to the site.
PrintWriter Template output stream writer.
Product Represents a product in Commerce Cloud Digital.
ProductActiveData Represents the active data for a Product in Commerce Cloud Digital.
ProductAttributeModel Class representing the complete attribute model for products in the system.
ProductAvailabilityLevels Encapsulates the quantity of items available for each availability status.
ProductAvailabilityModel The ProductAvailabilityModel provides methods for retrieving all information on availability of a single product.
ProductInventoryList The ProductInventoryList provides access to ID, description and defaultInStockFlag of the list.
ProductInventoryMgr This manager provides access to inventory-related objects.
ProductInventoryRecord The ProductInventoryRecord holds information about a Product's inventory, and availability.
ProductLineItem Represents a specific product line item.
ProductLink The class represents a link between two products.
ProductList Represents a list of products (and optionally a gift certificate) that is typically maintained by a customer.
ProductListItem An item in a product list.
ProductListItemPurchase A record of the purchase of an item contained in a product list.
ProductListMgr ProductListMgr provides methods for retrieving, creating, searching for, and removing product lists.
ProductListRegistrant A ProductListRegistrant is typically associated with an event related product list such as a gift registry.
ProductMgr Provides helper methods for getting products based on Product ID or Catalog.
ProductOption Represents a product option.
ProductOptionModel This class represents the option model of a specific product and for a specific currency.
ProductOptionValue Represents the value of a product option.
ProductPriceInfo Simple class representing a product price point.
ProductPriceModel ProductPriceModel provides methods to access all the PriceBook information of a product.
ProductPriceTable A ProductPriceTable is a map of quantities to prices representing the potentially tiered prices of a product in Commerce Cloud Digital.
ProductSearchHit ProductSearchHit is the result of a executed search query and wraps the actual product found by the search.
ProductSearchModel The class is the central interface to a product search result and a product search refinement.
ProductSearchRefinementDefinition This class provides an interface to refinement options for the product search.
ProductSearchRefinements This class provides an interface to refinement options for the product search.
ProductSearchRefinementValue Represents the value of a product search refinement.
ProductShippingCost Instances of ProductShippingCost represent product specific shipping costs.
ProductShippingLineItem Represents a specific line item in a shipment.
ProductShippingModel Instances of ProductShippingModel provide access to product-level shipping information, such as applicable or inapplicable shipping methods and shipping cost defined for the product for a specified shipping method.
ProductSuggestions The product suggestion container provides access to products found using the suggested terms.
ProductVariationAttribute Represents a product variation attribute
ProductVariationAttributeValue Represents a product variation attribute
ProductVariationModel Class representing the complete variation information for a master product in the system.
Profile The class represents a customer profile.
Promotion This class represents a promotion in Commerce Cloud Digital.
PromotionMgr PromotionMgr is used to access campaigns and promotion definitions, display active or upcoming promotions in a storefront, and to calculate and apply promotional discounts to line item containers.
PromotionPlan PromotionPlan represents a set of Promotion instances and is used to display active or upcoming promotions on storefront pages, or to pass it to the PromotionMgr to calculate a DiscountPlan and subsequently apply discounts to a line item container.
PropertyComparator This comparator can be used for the List sort() methods and for the SortSet and SortedMap classes.
QName QName objects are used to represent qualified names of XML elements and attributes.
Quantity Represents the quantity of an item.
RandomAccessFileReader Instances of this class support reading from a random access file.
RangeError Represents a range error.
Reader The class supports reading characters from a stream.
Recommendation Represents a recommendation in Commerce Cloud Digital.
ReferenceError Represents a reference error.
RegExp The RegExp object is a static object that generates instances of a regular expression for pattern matching and monitors all regular expressions in the current window or frame.
Region This class represents a region which serves as container of components.
RegionRenderSettings A config that drives how the region is rendered.
Request Represents a request in Commerce Cloud Digital.
RequestHooks This class represents all script hooks that can be registered to receive notifications about storefront requests.
Resource Library class which provides methods for retrieving messages from properties resource bundles which contain locale-specific strings.
Response Represents an HTTP response in Commerce Cloud Digital.
Result Represents the result of a service call.
Return The Return represents a physical customer return, and contains 1..n ReturnItems.
ReturnCase All returns exist in the context of a ReturnCase, each Order can have any number of ReturnCases.
ReturnCaseItem An item of a ReturnCase, created using method ReturnCase.createItem(String).
ReturnHooks This interface represents all script hooks that can be registered to customizing the order center return resource.
ReturnItem An item of a Return, created using Return.createItem(String).
SalesforceBancontactPaymentDetails Details to a Salesforce Payments payment of type SalesforcePaymentMethod.TYPE_BANCONTACT.
SalesforceCardPaymentDetails Details to a Salesforce Payments payment of type SalesforcePaymentMethod.TYPE_CARD.
SalesforceEpsPaymentDetails Details to a Salesforce Payments payment of type SalesforcePaymentMethod.TYPE_EPS.
SalesforceIdealPaymentDetails Details to a Salesforce Payments payment of type SalesforcePaymentMethod.TYPE_IDEAL.
SalesforceKlarnaPaymentDetails Details to a Salesforce Payments payment of type SalesforcePaymentMethod.TYPE_KLARNA.
SalesforcePaymentDetails Base class details to a Salesforce Payments payment.
SalesforcePaymentIntent Salesforce Payments representation of a payment intent object.
SalesforcePaymentMethod Salesforce Payments representation of a payment method object.
SalesforcePaymentRequest Salesforce Payments request for a shopper to make payment.
SalesforcePaymentsHooks This interface represents all script hooks that can be registered to customize the Salesforce Payments functionality.
SalesforcePaymentsMgr Contains functionality for use with Salesforce Payments.
SalesforcePaymentsSiteConfiguration Salesforce Payments representation of a payment site configuration object.
SalesforcePayPalOrder Salesforce Payments representation of a PayPal order object.
SalesforcePayPalOrderAddress Salesforce Payments representation of a PayPal order address object.
SalesforcePayPalOrderPayer Salesforce Payments representation of a PayPal order's payer object.
SalesforcePayPalPaymentDetails Details to a Salesforce Payments payment of type SalesforcePayPalOrder.TYPE_PAYPAL.
SalesforceSepaDebitPaymentDetails Details to a Salesforce Payments payment of type SalesforcePaymentMethod.TYPE_SEPA_DEBIT.
SalesforceVenmoPaymentDetails Details to a Salesforce Payments payment of type SalesforcePayPalOrder.TYPE_VENMO.
SearchModel Common search model base class.
SearchPhraseSuggestions The search phrase suggestions contain a list of suggested search phrases (see SuggestedPhrase) as well as, for each of the search phrase terms, a list with corrected and completed alternative terms.
SearchRefinementDefinition Common search refinement definition base class.
SearchRefinements Common search refinements base class.
SearchRefinementValue Represents the value of a product or content search refinement.
SearchStatus A SearchStatus is used for communicating a Search API status back to a client.
SecureEncoder SecureEncoder contains many methods for manipulating untrusted data Strings into RFC-Compliant Strings for a given context by encoding "bad" data into the proper format.
SecureFilter SecureFilter contains many methods for manipulating untrusted data Strings into RFC-Compliant Strings for a given context by removing "bad" data from the untrusted data.
SecureRandom The SecureRandom class provides a cryptographically strong random number generator (RNG).
SeekableIterator A special Iterator, which is returned by the system to iterate through large sets of data.
Service Base class of Services.
ServiceCallback Defines callbacks for use with the LocalServiceRegistry.
ServiceConfig Configuration object for Services.
ServiceCredential Configuration object for Service Credentials.
ServiceDefinition Base class of Service Definitions.
ServiceProfile Configuration object for Service Profiles.
ServiceRegistry The ServiceRegistry is responsible for managing Service definitions and their instances.
Session Represents a session in B2C Commerce.
Set A Set can store any kind of element and ensures that no duplicates exist.
Set Represents a set of objects.
SFTPClient The SFTPClient class supports the SFTP commands GET, PUT, DEL, MKDIR, RENAME, and LIST.
SFTPFileInfo The class is used to store information about a remote file.
Shipment Represents an order shipment.
ShipmentShippingCost Represents shipping cost applied to shipments.
ShipmentShippingModel Instances of ShipmentShippingModel provide access to shipment-level shipping information, such as applicable and inapplicable shipping methods and shipping cost.
ShippingLineItem Represents a specific line item in a shipment.
ShippingLocation Represents a specific location for a shipment.
ShippingMethod ShippingMethod represents how the shipment will be shipped.
ShippingMgr Provides methods to access the shipping information.
ShippingOrder A shipping order is used to specify items that should be shipped, and is typically exported to, and updated by a back-office warehouse management system.
ShippingOrderHooks This interface represents all script hooks that can be registered around shipping order lifecycle.
ShippingOrderItem One or more ShippingOrderItems are contained in a ShippingOrder, created using ShippingOrder.createShippingOrderItem(OrderItem, Quantity) and can be retrieved by ShippingOrder.getItems().
Signature This class allows access to signature services offered through the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA).
SimpleExtensible Base class alternative to ExtensibleObject for customizable objects which do not rely on the metadata system.
Site This class represents a site in Commerce Cloud Digital and provides access to several site-level configuration values which are managed from within the Business Manager.
SitemapFile Instances of this class represent sitemap files located in the appservers shared file system.
SitemapMgr SitemapMgr is used to access and modify custom sitemap files.
SitePreferences SitePreferences is a container for custom site-level attributes.
SlotContent Represents content for a slot.
SOAPService Represents a SOAP WebService.
SOAPServiceDefinition Represents a SOAP WebService definition.API Versioned: No longer available as of version 19.10.
SOAPUtil Utility class for working with SOAP web services.
SortedMap A map that further guarantees that it will be in ascending key order, sorted according to the natural ordering of its keys, or by a comparator provided at sorted map creation time.
SortedSet A set that further guarantees that its iterator will traverse the set in ascending element order, sorted according to the natural ordering of its elements (only supported for Number, String, Date, Money and Quantity), or by a comparator provided at sorted set creation time.
SortingOption Represents an option for how to sort products in storefront search results.
SortingRule Represents a product sorting rule for use with the ProductSearchModel.
SourceCodeGroup A source code group defines a collection of source codes.
SourceCodeInfo Class representing a code (i.e.
SourceCodeStatusCodes Helper class which contains error result codes returned by the SetSourceCode pipelet.
Status A Status is used for communicating an API status code back to a client.
StatusItem A StatusItem holds all the status information.
StopIteration A special type of exception that is thrown when an Iterator or Generator sequence is exhausted.See
Store Represents a store in Commerce Cloud Digital.
StoreGroup Represents a store group.
StoreMgr Provides helper methods for getting stores based on id and querying for stores based on geolocation.
String The String object represents any sequence of zero or more characters that are to be treated strictly as text.
StringUtils String utility class.
StringWriter A Writer that can be used to generate a String.
Stub This is the base class for all service stubs accessible through a WebReference object.
SuggestedCategory This class represents a suggested catalog category.
SuggestedContent This class represents a suggested content page.
SuggestedPhrase This class represents a suggested phrase.
SuggestedProduct This class represents a suggested product.
SuggestedTerm A single suggested term.
SuggestedTerms This container represents a list of suggested terms, all belonging to a particular single original term of the users input search phrase.
Suggestions This is the base class for suggestions containers.
SuggestModel The Suggest model provides methods and functions to access search suggestions.
SumItem Container used to represent an subtotal or grandtotal item which contains various prices and a tax breakdown held in a collection of tax-items.
Symbol Symbol is a primitive data type that can serve as object properties.
SyntaxError Represents a syntax error.
System Represents the Commerce Cloud Digital server instance.
SystemError This error indicates an error in the system, which doesn't fall into any of the other error categories like for example IOError.
SystemObjectMgr Manager class which provides methods for querying for system objects with meta data using the Commerce Cloud Digital query language.
TaxGroup Contains the formal definition of a tax including a type (it's just the key), a percentage value if provided, a caption and a description.
TaxItem An item containing tax information allowing a tax breakdown between a number of TaxGroups.
TaxMgr Provides methods to access the tax table.
Template Reads an ISML template from the file system and renders it into a MimeEncodedText object.
TotalFixedPriceDiscount Represents a total fix price discount on a group of products in the discount plan.
TrackingInfo Provides basic information about a tracking info.
TrackingRef Provides basic information about the TrackingInfo a ShippingOrderItem is contained.
Transaction Represents the current transaction.
TypeError Represents a type error.
Uint16Array An optimized array to store 16-bit unsigned integer numbers.
Uint32Array An optimized array to store 32-bit unsigned integer numbers.
Uint8Array An optimized array to store 8-bit unsigned integer numbers.
Uint8ClampedArray An optimized array to store 8-bit unsigned integer numbers.
URIError Represents a URI error.
URL Represents a URL in Commerce Cloud Digital.
URLAction The class is needed for the URL creation within template processing.
URLParameter This class represents a key-value-pair for URL parameters.
URLRedirect Represents a URLRedirect in Commerce Cloud Digital.
URLRedirectMgr URLRedirect manager class.
URLUtils URL utility class.
UUIDUtils Utility methods around generating unique IDs.
Variant Represents a variant of a product variation.
VariationGroup Class representing a group of variants within a master product who share a common value for one or more variation attribute values.
Velocity This class renders an Apache Velocity template.
Wallet Represents a set of payment instruments associated with a registered customer.
WeakCipher This API provides access to Deprecated algorithms.
WeakMac This API provides access to Deprecated algorithms.
WeakMap The WeakMap is map whose entries are subject to garbage collection if there are no more references to the keys.
WeakMessageDigest This API provides access to Deprecated algorithms.
WeakSet The WeakSet is set whose elements are subject to garbage collection if there are no more references to the elements.
WeakSignature This API provides access to Deprecated algorithms.
WebDAVClient The WebDAVClient class supports the WebDAV methods GET, PUT, MKCOL, MOVE, COPY, PROPFIND,OPTIONS and DELETE.
WebDAVFileInfo Simple class representing a file on a remote WebDAV location.
WebReference Represents a web service defined in a WSDL file.
WebReference2 Represents a web service defined in a WSDL file.
Writer The class supports writing characters to a stream.
WSUtil A utility class for performing SOAP-based operations for Web Services for use with WebReference2.
XML The XML object contains functions and properties for working with XML instances.
XMLIndentingStreamWriter A XMLIndentingStreamWriter writes the XML output formatted for good readability.
XMLList An XMLList object is an ordered collection of properties.
XMLStreamConstants Useful constants for working with XML streams.
XMLStreamError This error indicates an XML streaming related error in the system.
XMLStreamReader The XMLStreamReader allows forward, read-only access to XML.
XMLStreamWriter The XMLStreamWriter can be used to write small and large XML feeds.